
Guy must have circumvented 3 or 4 separate safety measures/devices make it. Work hard, get results!

With trepidation [for reasons you are free to surmise], I am compelled to opine that one does not ‘set off’ a cannon.

“The largest operator of the F-35, besides the USA, is Turkey by a wide margin.”

I’ve known about the low percentage of fully operational line fighters in USA armed services for many years.

Meh. A few hours incommunicado is just what the doctor ordered.

he’s a good one - no real potential harm - everyone ought to have a pet project, even a slightly kooky one

Life’s too short to spend time attempting to educate kooks. If one happens to be someone I care for, I give my love despite her being a kook. All others? I’ll keep my distance, and my supposedly wiser silence.

That’s great, Emily. You’ve been at work till ungodly hours, have to browse your phone’s gallery to remember the faces of your children, and now you’re delegating whole minutes of face time to a global digital surrogate. Great.

Seems to me the Independent journo got saddled with a mind numbing task to write n lines about air travel. Ignore their musings in comfort.

Nah. The one I am familiar with discriminates the ones that don’t ‘do’ anything and discards them. Will only play with live ones. Got my TV into modes and functions I had no hope to return from!

Always wandered why the Japanese for roe (at least for salmon roe) is イクラ, which sounds ikura, with the very subdued Japanese u, thus identical to the Slavic ikra. Any ideas?

You must have the burnt/smoked taste and aroma imparted by high heat/flame, for this to yield what the doctor ordered.

Absolutely accurate about over-coddling eggplant recipes.

Holding a Powerbook 280 for my grandson. If he has children, they’ll make a killing on the grandson of eBay.

Here’s a comment many would expect, nay, demand: “too highfalutin; beer’s right with any eats”.

Works very well in batter+fruit cakes, although the final color of the slice is no longer the whitish yellow one was used to.

‘know anything about how airplane wings work’ - I humbly submit that the true answer to this is a secret of the Illuminati. A couple of totally wrong answers, and a few cop-outs backed by empiric equations are rife. Personally, having been led to believe that the readily available answers are almost as bad as urban

‘charged with dangerous driving’ - he should thank his stars the FAA isn’t after him! 

Oooh, kinky - black velvet hammock! Expensive too.

I found this useful, but not good enough. Many prepared dishes, whether intact, or the uneaten portion, become unidentifiable in the freezer. Labels that will not drop off are a must in a home that cooks and freezes.