
Some one explain to me why there isn't a goddamn snorlax on this list.

Racheal and Miles are going to have a field day with this one.

Personally, I would love to see “Character Witness” Hulk from the last Shulkie run. He quietly terrorized a courtroom full of supes and cosmic beings by calmly and eloquently reminding them of his anger issues.

While both Kevin Feige and Tilda Swinton discuss the genderless interpretation of the traditionally-male Ancient One:

So, how's not having a soul feel?

I’m sorry for being antagonistic and upset ting you, but anthropologically, the terms black blood / Caucasian blood are pretty antiquated- and can have some fairly negative connotations associated with its usage. Your ancestry is unique to you and your DNA, but you do not share some sort of blood kinship with every

Lol. “Black blood” isn’t even remotely a thing... by any stretch. Unless you mean sickle cell, which IS a stretch.

Meanwhile, at C.S.A. Headquarters:

I’m gonna Patton Oswalt this one and say back story be damned. Will we get to see Colleen Wing? Will there be a “Daughters” spin off? Will Misty’s hair be straightened or Au Natural? I’m so tired of wading through back story’s. Give me the characters, then give them new stories. I liked them before Netflix came along

I hear tell we might be getting some hot billy club action as well... Mmmhmm...

It’s like shagging someone for the first time. Sometimes it turns out to be amazing. Mostly you’re trying to get each other’s rhythm going. It’s on the next go that you start to expand. That’s why I do it. That and the money!

It's Official: Supergirl Will Never Cross Over With Flash or Arrow

...so take it with an extremely large pinch of salt.

Don't like it. Not one bit even.

He’d go up to the bad guy and yell “Put down that damned gun!”

Please elaborate how putting a film on a shelf in the library of congress (where it fucking belongs) is too expensive.

This. Came for this.

Viking times. It's set in Viking Times.

Get ‘Em! (As an arch major I appreciate your defense of the field)

La Maupin, if you please.