*Beeblebrox Crumpetmatch
Honestly, Denny’s at 3am is exactly where I’d think I’d meet Marilyn Manson.
*Benzidine Crumblesnitch
What a very Denny’s story.
And thus, Karyn, through blogging you have now become susan del percio hot. Congratulations.
This is one of those articles where I can’t quite bring myself to star many posts, not because I disagree but because they’re depressingly true.
I take it from his tweet Wilmer Valderrama is a very enthusiastic serial killer.
Everything in this Dirtbag is “sad” or “don’t care” except for puppy pajamas and Ryan Reynolds flirting with Helen Mirren.
Tbh I haven’t seen her show because watching her stand-up and CC Roasts turned me off. I was pretty surprised Jez was so embracing of her.
Hey, Millennials may only be 1-3% less racist, but we’re 87% more likely to pat ourselves on the back about it!
I love Jon, but I think that’s Old Person Speak for “I still don’t understand the Internet.”
You’re not wrong, but maybe Twitter, given the whole “the Internet remembers all” thing, isn’t the best place to do that. You still run a chance of someone taping you in a comedy club, but you’re still giving yourself a better chance at people forgetting that joke that just didn’t land. From a purely pragmatic…
I keep circling his “affirmative action doesn’t help minorities” thing. Because, as you said, rich and privileged Asian-American kid applying to med school isn’t really a minority. So…he didn’t get in while Asian but did get in while black (an actual minority in this situation) and that proves affirmative action doesn’…
As someone with two modes - taking it on the chin with inhuman endurance or flailing wildly out of control with exaggerated vengeance - the popcorn story really speaks to me.