
I haven't watched any further yet, but at this moment I'm thinking Carmen is definitely gay and I am all for it.

"It wasn't Gay it was the 80's" is one of the funnier sentences I've read in a while, thank you for that

The actress really sold that moment.

The best part about that joke is that shitloads of neon art, to this day, is exactly that obvious and pointless.

Fuck the instructor.

Tried the first one when I was younger, didn't work for me for some reason even though they ought to be exactly my kind of thing. I'm happy the show exists so I can absorb them that way!

The hat looked like a nod to Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady to me, and that's never not in.

While there's a lot I've liked about the series as someone who never read the books, Warburton is hands down the best part for me. I wonder if there's a supercut of his monologues out there somewhere.

Don't give him ideas, for the love of god

I kept waiting for the line to continue, "revelations that we should abandon civilization and live by a pond…so long as our mothers continue to do our laundry."

Which edition? In the original version, which is the only one I've read, there's a description of Jesus having been seen by the side of the road trying to get a ride, but in Afghanistan, and the point was not that he was a free spirit but rather that he was hard on his luck. I'm given to understand that there's more

I feel as though I definitely read about Christmas being banned specifically in the US later on, but I may be misremembering.


I mean, I think a significant part of that has to do with how big of a name you are, and Demore Barnes isn't one (YET). Why he's billed higher than Ian McShane is a more puzzling question in my book.

What I'd read on the Iroquois suggested something different, but fine. The other example I'm forgetting the name of isn't what you're describing, it's literally women take several husbands and choose how much time to spend with each, generally direct economic activity of the household, etc.

I think Amazon video does that in general? At least it does here in the US. I try not to activate it when watching something for the first time, though!

She's also the HIV positive woman in the hospital, or at least I thought so. I have no doubt she's the believer who brought Bilquis to America.

She tried!

Look into the Iroquois. There's another one in Asia that I'm blanking on right now where they practice woman centered polygamy and women head the households.

i can't tell if this is supposed to be sarcastic or not