
At the time, lots of those progressive elements were on the side of revolution, because the Shah legitimately sucked in several ways. It's not so clear cut as a lot of us conceive it.

Fair enough. I'd have to watch it again, as I was just sort of laying back and letting it happen to me this time. Normally I watch things with a more critically active mind, but I think, because this is an adaptation of one of my favorite books, I often go into a very receptive kind of wonderment mode when they

They technically did give it away, but I think because there's so much going on in that scene a lot of people wouldn't notice.

omg I almost said "maybe we'll all be worshipping Gillian Anderson one day"! IT'S ALREADY STARTING.

Well, there are/have been several matriarchal societies around the world, so there's that. It's just that that hasn't extended to a matriarchal monotheism, because they weren't/aren't monotheists. But maybe a couple millennia from now it'll happen, if we still exist.

Hmm. I don't know what it looks like (I didn't notice it first time through), so this may be way off, but I wonder if it's meant to be a fertility symbol? Like a yonic thing?

If a god can't come up with an unnaturally targeted and precise lightning strike, what's he good for?

The title says TEHRAN 1979, if you go back and look.

All I can think of are some of the neopagan religions and some theories about a Great Mother Goddess that existed in prehistoric times, but IMO neither really counts.

Well, having his feet washed is one of his things, so I bet he can at least get his feet all cold and wet.

The disco was in Iran. After that she was on a plane to Hollywood.

I doubt you're gonna have much luck with that, but sorry for your trouble.

Well, in theory, you could have a matriarchal monotheism, but yes in practice this is how it's tended to go. Because pantheons split up attributes, and because they tend to have their gods have social and familial lives where they interact, you tend to find powerful goddesses among them. I generally think polytheism

Ah, thanks.

Honestly, I might have forgotten, or it might be something that was added in the extended edition that I haven't read. As I recall it it's kind of just one of those things, but I could be wrong. Either way, though, in the book we don't see anything from her point of view. Her whole storyline with Sweeney doesn't

Yeah, I figured not everybody was a huge nerd for Norse mythology when they were ten years old, haha.

I want webisodes that are just interviews with the various Jesuses, and I want one of them to be Hippie Jesus.

Oh, also, I forgot to say! All that they've done with not only expanding Laura but making her death something Odin did on purpose to get to Shadow feels like a fabulous fuck you to the entire fridged wife trope, and I LOVE IT. The dead wife getting to interrogate her killer and ask why is just…it's delicious.

I hadn't noticed, that's fun.

I'm guessing he was Greek Orthodox? Or maybe Russian Orthodox? One of the eastern denominations, at any rate.