
That amused me because it implicitly casts Technical Boy in the role of "the lawman," which…he is not.

Sure, but then why is he looking at horses online? When I was taking lessons my parents were definitely not browsing pony pictures.

See, in the book I get that, but this version of him doesn't seem to be about conspiracy theories so much as literally global capitalism.

Not weathered or quite old enough for my mental image. That said, I really want him to have a broad Midwestern accent, so I hope they don't cast a Brit. Many Brits do an incredible job of American accents, but it's usually a standard "not from anywhere in particular" version.

Not Under Pressure. I'm sure they just went with whatever they could make work, and "Look up here; I'm in heaven" or "Put on your red shoes and dance the blues" just didn't fit.

Well, there's at least one more season to go (I suspect they're planning for no fewer than three if they can keep getting renewed); it seems eminently possible to me.

Uh, both, really.

I don't think that's what we're meant to take away from Laura. It's not that she doesn't have a religion; it's that she doesn't believe in anything, even in non-religious terms.

Thanks for linking! "Bonnie and Clyde with a leprechaun and a zombie" is a hell of a pitch.

I've read the book and know what you're talking about, but a) I don't think that tracks with what Dev F was saying or what Media's words implied, and b) that's the kind of thing that IMO really ought to go under a spoiler tag.

So I rewatched the scene and I'm not sure exactly how that translates to creating Mr. World. He's not a "mass delusion" like War of the Worlds or a conspiracy theory. Care to elaborate?

They did it with Marilyn too! Not lyrics, but references to things she said.

You're thinking of Johnny Appleseed, who apparently gets mistaken for the trickster Iktomi, though I don't remember that part. This is why I'm hoping they'll add more!

If morticians are making horse-buying money then my understanding of the world is very inaccurate.

"You've got your transmission and your live wire" - Rebel, Rebel
"There's a terror in knowing what [Mr.] World is about" - Under Pressure
"[Now there are] star[men] waiting in the sky" - Starman
"Oh, you pretty thing" (or maybe she said pretty boy, don't remember for sure) - Oh! You Pretty Things

I'm super excited to see how they handle Whiskey Jack! I hope they introduce him earlier and spread him around, like they've been doing with Mr. Jacquel and Mr. Ibis.

Yeah, I think somewhere between season 1 and season 2 a gay Marxist assassinated someone in the writer's room, stole their identity, and turned the show into a personal niche propaganda operation. I salute that gay Marxist.

Being dead may be messy, but at least it's not boring!

I assume it was Brian Reitzell as usual, but you'd have a hard time convincing me that there weren't some deliberate Bowie nods in that composition.

My reasons were less its being out of the box than the fact that one of my only real criticisms of the book is that IMO it doesn't give enough attention or weight to Native Americans (I know it does more than a lot of similar works, but it still should have been more than that). And I wasn't sure if I was comfortable