
I'm currently trying to get everyone to watch Black Sails, so I would suggest giving that a go too :)

I don't think ti's that clear in the book either, tbh. But regardless—the name Mr World has to have something to do with globalization, right? Especially since Gaiman created him back in 2000 or so, when that word was on the top of everybody's mind. It seems like the writers, in thinking about what that really means

I was just going back to watch the after-show bts featurette and I remembered I had wanted to say that the music they played over the end credits sounds almost like something Bowie would have done. The background vocals are very him!

I was ambivalent about the choice to animate it (beautifully done, I just wasn't sure it was a choice I approved of), but I think you've sold me.

Huh. Now that's interesting, your last point. I should watch that bit again with it in mind.

They have some other very good shows, take advantage of it while you've got it!

"Better than lamb's blood."
—Lucille Ball, local occultist

I still disagree about the existing show, but its existence doesn't mean there can't be another adaptation some other time (though I don't know how different it'd be, since Gaiman clearly loves this version). In the meantime, maybe you'd prefer Supernatural?

I'm SUPER PUMPED for Vulcan based on some stuff I've heard in interviews.

Most of the lyrics she quoted as Bowie aren't from the song where he wears that particular look. She's embodying an icon, not reenacting a scene.

I've still only seen the first few episodes (I keep meaning to go back and finish it), but I really liked what I saw of it. And yeah, Michael Green has a hell of a resume—he and Fuller met on Heroes, and he recently worked on the scripts for Logan and Alien: Covenant, just as a few examples.

I'm sorry you hate it, but it's wild to me that THIS episode, the one that most directly (and cleverly, IMO) exploited the possibilities that come with adaptation, is the one you're leaving this comment about.

Yeah, Bowie was supposed to play Lecter's uncle/former guardian. It would have been so perfect, I would have died, it would have been the things I love most all at once and I would have just short-circuited. Still sad that'll never happen.

She practically tramped out of that room, like she was sulking.

Oh, yes, he is.

I think Michael Green should get some credit too. This is his show Kings:

This was my favorite episode yet. Some of the reasons are really obvious—I'm a David Bowie fanatic and I YELPED at the end of that scene (and after watching the episode twice, went off and watched a bunch of Bowie videos and grieved some more). The interrogation scene was obviously a firecracker. And I remembered

Psst, it's "spoiler," not "spoilers," so right now your tags aren't working (I've made this mistake too)

I'm going to put some spoilers under tags in a separate paragraph, but looking at the show itself thus far: no, I don't think so. Episode 3 in particular made the case for gods not only taking from people but giving something back in exchange. The third Zorya gives Shadow the moon for something as simple as a kiss—but

I suspect the Mr. World trick is staying the same, in part because it's not just the face—the two actors delivered very similar vocal performances as well. The voice Tucker did in the pilot is not his normal speaking voice.