I also have a Bissell! I have this one:
I also have a Bissell! I have this one:
I also have a Bissell! I have this one:
I also have a Bissell! I have this one:
“That’s not what they mean when they say, ‘wrap it up,’ son!”
There are worthy, merit-based students whose places she (or rather her parents) are paying for. Somebody told me while I was applying to collage that one dumb rich kid can fund a bunch of smart poor kids.
I think that depends on the zoo. I was shocked as hell the first time I went to a zoo with undersized cages, having grown up with a zoo with wide open spaces and moats instead of bars. Zoos just keep getting better and better, though, with more understanding of keep animals engaged and stimulated.
They’ll just be a little bit smaller.
The Times tells us that Refridgerdating’s founder, John Stonehill, found his wife by way of judging her fridge.
so good on him for making sure she had enough forewarning to get an incredibly bridal mani.
Team Jaguar
OK, no shit, one time, a total stranger who did not live in my complex washed my car. I didn’t see it. I got a voice message that I didn’t notice until several hours later from my neighbor who did see it happening telling me about it. She did not call the cops. She also didn’t tell him to stop.
Yes, like giant Chapstick.
Yes, like giant Chapstick.
They are cut to accommodate tail butt plugs
The tribal belly dance community is all over this style (or were? I might be behind the times).
I have been working a completely bean-free chili
If one of you is going into the witness protection program or being taken to jail to serve a life sentence upon landing, then the singleton was a jerk. If not, you were the jerk.
Try making your own mayo, then using that on grilled cheese.
Condoms for blow jobs, man. Sure, condoms taste bad, but dick tastes worse.
> I certainly don’t need any complex over my looks which I didn’t give my own self, thanks very much.
TIL that short chicks are as shallow as tall chicks.
That sounds like a high protein diet, not a high fat diet. Ketosis happens when you a very high fat, like 70% fat, diet.