
Yes please tell me what is true for us gay people... Yes, it can vary from city to city, person to person, but as a gay man, I can speak from experience and from the way more gay people I know.

This really only deals with straight coupes. Gay couples are oversexed.

Kanye West? 

He won't respond. Why? Because he knows all his fans are Eminem fans first. 

A little update, this was posted 2 1/2 year ago lol. Repo dude keep calling for about a month more then just stopped on his own. The last voice mail I got from repo guy was from a different number, of course, he was saying something about you think you can hide from me, I know you were at said friend’s house last

Rockstar San Diego employees aren’t working 7 14 hours days. Cali law doesn’t allow working 7 days in a row. 100 hours would be more like just over 6 16 hour days.

I had a major surgery on my spine, the pain was ridiculous. Only cried a couple weeks later felling sorry for myself during recovery. Some people don’t cry from pain, others cry just from being angry. That is why the 1-10 pain scale chart and the face pain chart used currently is antiquated and doesn’t work.

There are reasons to use bitcoin that are legal, like traveling and not dealing with exchange rates.

Nah, go straight to fighting in Jaegers.

He can’t stop, he is addicted to the shindig.

Isn’t that similar to saying, “if I can find better birth control than this 25 cent balloon for 25 cents, buy it”?

Driving a stick isn't really harder in traffic. In fact, people will argue that a stick is easier. 

4WD/AWD vehicles. Beaches, trails, moving stuff, beaters, off- road rigs, winter in some places, heavy rain, etc. Pretty much everything people don’t want to put their daily driver through. Plus most of those suck gas.

Don't forget latino too 

Xbox One XS Max

Install shortcuts app from App Store.

Trolling troll doesn’t know android doesn’t have cop mode. Hell, doesn’t even have encrypted texts iMessages integration.

Maybe his mom was the only one that kept him in check? Everyone else is a yes wo/man.

My anxiety/ panic attacks and depression hit me college. But most of it was triggered by the “living in a religious family and not wanting to be gay” thing.