
I believed that doctor Dre was using the name first.

Yeah both are stupid. The different is that getting into a FIST fight, at least the other prisoners know you are willing to fight. This guy did the digital equivalent of a kid getting mad at his friends because he sucks at basketball and take his ball home.

Street harden criminal: “ What are you in for?”

Dirty cops are not a reflection of the taxpayers they are suppose to protect. Yes, dirty cops are the minority and set a bad light on all the good decent cops out there, but trying to blame citizens for a lawbreaking bad apple is foolhardy and uninformed.  

He doesn’t know what he is talking about, and is freaking out over nothing.

Putting in your passcode is a humongous hassle?

Yup, this. Or at least a setting to adjust time.

... You realized it still will charged from the lightening port with data deactivated from the port right? 

1.) Make a console with 32 gb built in storage.

So it was repair under warranty? Do you buy apple care?

Well, I guess she isn’t a queen then?

I would say if you have a ps4 slim, skipped the ps4 pro. Unless you LOVE Sony exclusives. Lot of games aren’t native 4k and 30 fps. And if you’re into 4k blu-rays, it can’t play those.

Don’t feed the trolls.

Kanye is a great producer, because he takes other people ideas, i.e. samples, and reuses them. Shoes and clothes? Same thing, he ripoffs other people ideas and uses them as his own. Kayne’s true “genius” is marketing.

“ I’m not a professional fabricator” and “I don’t want to hear it”

Designer packages, the wave of the future.

Well, wouldn’t a black dick change to the white guys pigment? Or it doesn’t work like that?

Well doctors have been making non-functional penises from years. I guess have one that can naturally get erect was very important to this man. 

94-95 sn95 were great. The 4.6L gt? Not so much.

Venom was one of my favorite comic villains or anti-heros as a kid. It seems like they are doing anyway if him hating spider-man/Peter Parker?