
I changed my major 3 times. It happens.

I ask you a question about value and you responded, “not as they used to be” are you deliberately dense?

I would argue any car you saw in any fast and furious movie, because kids are going to want what they grew up watching. Well, except that ugly ass eclipse model, those things need to be killed with fire.

? Not valuable as they used to be? Wrong, they are going up in value. If you can’t even admit to facts, we can’t have an adult discussion.

So apple, being one of the biggest companies in the world, isn’t relevant?

Toyota just recalled 65k cars last month. That over 5 times the total number of model 3 currently produce. The problem is resources and scale, it is harder for a small car company to success building anything but niche cars. Tesla is trying to diversify now, and it might hurt them.  

Fun to drive auto? Define fun to drive? Are we talking great handling, and straight line power? 

Racism i.e. C K Lewis and white privileged. Some white people don’t like being told they can’t say something. They feel it is their right to be able to say it, i.e. Tarantino.

so... the witness that call the police was lying? That is fucked up.

No XT model? Fuck you subaru!

Yup windows burn me too and then it took out my nas just for fun!

You realized you said your laptop is 6 years old, then stated that PC users update frequently?  

Cheap for an entry level lux crossover. Every thing is relative.

Yup, It seems like in-room ethernet is going away. I used to carry an router with me, by now I mostly using my phone as a hotspot. If I have to connect to hotel wifi, which is very rare. I play protected. VPN and an usb linux stick.

I have never used penultimate, I was using one note before switching to GoodNotes. As far as GoodNotes being robust, I have never had a problem with it.

yup, I used iPad Pro and GoodNotes app! Awesome combo, I no longer have to carry notebooks or yellow pads with me.

I do the opposite. I read the recap, and judge by that if I want to watch the episode.

Excuse my ignorance on the matter, but you can get indecent exposure for peeing in a parking lot? I thought it had to be sexual in nature?

Other question in the same line of thinking, is he upcycling the power supply every time he builds a new PC?

I think he was being sarcastic