
Yeah, Ben Asslick can get any crappy tattoo he wants, where he messed up was lying about it, and calling it fake. Then not thinking people would call him out on it.

As a white person that lives in north austin. This shit is fucked up. You think we would be farther long in 20fucking18?

As a white person, I have to say this shit is fucked up. Didn’t even make the National news until some whites guys tiggered his tripwire.

His doctor cleared him already. Idk what his problem is.

Money and greed. Samsung and carriers are selling the phone cheaper to the consumer by stuffing it full of bloat and junk. Yes, doesn’t explain why when you buy an unlock Samsung phone it still has bloat, that seems to be a Samsung decision.

They are supposed to be fluorescent yellow

Yup this.

9 b., “I have black friends”

Yeah American’s can’t live without ac or heat, so I believe this is more trouble than it is worth in the states.

Gaining experience isn’t extreme privilege, it’s time and hard work.

Some people have too much time on their hands

Yup, weed is safer the drinking. Which I find so ridiculous

Still illegal to sell it without a license even in places where it’s legal.

I don’t think he meant rape, I think he meant tested. As in fighting.

Yup, also physical switch games cheaper, if you got Best Buy gamer’s unlock. Plus, physical games can be given to your nephew when you done playing it. lol

I’m confused. I thought the article says they deleted her account because a lot of people reported her? How is that tinder’s fault?

Does it have CarPlay and a plush ride? Cadillac CEO, says that how you get younger car buyers.

Some songs are meant to be played on an electric. Others are meant to be played with effects added on. A lot easier now a days then when I started, with iOS devices, Tonebridge and other apps. Beginners that start playing their favorite songs and not hearing a similar sound are easily discouraged. Playing an electric

Cheap guitars, normally, have cheap parts, like bridges, tuners and nuts so they don’t stand in tune. Have poor action can cause them to have buzzy sounds and be harder to play. The wood is also going to be different and can be heavier, different sounding, intonation problems, lack of sustain, non-straight neck, etc.

If you’re are a beginner playing an acoustic, you need to buy silk strings. Easier on fingers and beginners will be able to practice longer.