
If you have anything average to big down there, you are going to need some form of support. Plus briefs rub on your legs if your running for a while. Old school jockstraps work fine, but I’ll stick to my under armour. Skin-tight compression style underwear were really made to keep your muscle warm as well.

Is a pump shotgun really semi-auto? That doesn’t seem right.

You can do the same thing with a stick though, and all versions make your aim shitty. Should they be ban? Yes, but that won’t do any good. I wonder how much more damage this sicko could have done if he practice and aimed? Scary.

So basically like how almost every media person calls all handguns Glocks?


Damn you’re stupid. She finds racist jokes funny and used the n-word and you’re really going to try and say she isn’t a racist?

Racist ass bitch. She needs to fuck off.

Lol I actually won the science fair in the 6th grade for testing tap water versus different sources. My dad knew a guy that worked at the treatment plant, so I got all these tools and chems to test the water with. That was the last time I drank the local tap or spring bottle water, or swam in the lake. Eww

Never work there, but I was told from a person that used to work there, to avoid the salads from Panera breads.

no, his point is that spotify, and I assume apple music, both integrate perfectly into google home, so no benefit for android users using google home.

So you saying your don’t want to be stuck in iOS garden so you switch to google’s garden... Good luck with that. FYI, Apple and google BOTH have apps for each other’s devices. But, the service with the most freedom is Spotify, hands down. Hell, you can even used a Spotify app on linux.

Dude Boston is racist as fuck. Hell, Marky mark is from around that area .

No, just fuck dirty, racist cops.

Hope he doesn’t get fine for cheating. He has the balls to fight it.

That gaint penis sword tattoo on his chest is hard to watch.

This. I always wanted one too. When I was little I just thought it would be like having a secret underground fort. Now I would just make it an awesome man cave too.

Even though nuclear war is a lot close today then It was just a few months ago. You’re right, if you want to play the odds , a panic room with a generator is a better idea and enough water and food for 2 weeks. It took fema 5 days to get water to New Orleans.

This. Now I lived in homes with bad HOAs, I.e. lady on her knees with a ruler measuring centimeters of grass, trying to make me remove fence and gate on home I bought brand new but was already built, bitching that the trees that came with the house are the wrong type, etc. but overall HOA is far better then living

Hell, I’m a shareholder for the packers and they aren’t even my team. Got stock as a gift.

If you’re waiting until the anthem to go to the bathroom, you’re doing it wrong or you have a kidney problem and should see a doctor about it.