
Dude Boston is racist as fuck. Hell, Marky mark is from around that area .

No, just fuck dirty, racist cops.

Hope he doesn’t get fine for cheating. He has the balls to fight it.

That gaint penis sword tattoo on his chest is hard to watch.

Uuh no, idk who told you that, but most people that own Macs don’t run windows on there. Most, if that all, of what people do now a days is web base or there is a Mac version for it. Besides gaming, no one buys a Mac to game.

Yeah it is weird people say that. What they mean is quality hardware, $$$, and sleek design.

This. I always wanted one too. When I was little I just thought it would be like having a secret underground fort. Now I would just make it an awesome man cave too.

Even though nuclear war is a lot close today then It was just a few months ago. You’re right, if you want to play the odds , a panic room with a generator is a better idea and enough water and food for 2 weeks. It took fema 5 days to get water to New Orleans.

This. Now I lived in homes with bad HOAs, I.e. lady on her knees with a ruler measuring centimeters of grass, trying to make me remove fence and gate on home I bought brand new but was already built, bitching that the trees that came with the house are the wrong type, etc. but overall HOA is far better then living

They will be back, and in the meantime, I will enjoy less problems with directv server load thanks to people leaving. Win!

Trolling or stupid?

This. You’re not a real American if you don’t think other Americans shouldn’t have the same rights to peaceful protest as you do.

Yeah I havent had a problem either, and I only have 100 mbps. I am still waiting for my Apple TV 4K to be delivered though, it would really suck to have to run a cable to my living room.

Fingerprint sensor on the remote? IMO fuck that, that would add an unnecessary price to the device with little pay off.

Hell, I’m a shareholder for the packers and they aren’t even my team. Got stock as a gift.

If you’re waiting until the anthem to go to the bathroom, you’re doing it wrong or you have a kidney problem and should see a doctor about it.

What a fucked up product....

What is the point of this tattoo? Can’t you tell your male dog is fixed becuase he is ball-less?

Miatas suck. There, I said it. :p

Not everyone needs or can training like a seal team member.