
My worst convertible story is probably normal for vert owners.

Fucking sucks.

Jamie is the only person in the show that I can’t stand anymore. So I hope he lives until the end, and then dies.

Lol sorry, idk how to manage not to hear about it if you read GoT articles. I didn’t read it. Tons of articles all over the place about it. Maybe HBO changed directions because of the leak? And I’m sure HBO has a bunch of fake scripts out there like most popular shows do. Who knows?

Well, if you believe the leaked script, he lives because his armor is light weight or something. But idk, I never read the books, just watch the show.

Hopefully he is a grower.

yup this is the stupidest excuse I ever heard to wear mink. I hope she is trolling. FYI, I don’t care, I eat meat. And as long that the animals are treated right, wear their dead skins to your heart’s content. But you got to admit that was pretty stupid.

IMO A little skinny, but that seems to be the way Sony leans in casting. Look at wolverine and bishop. Josh Brolin is pretty badass though. This should be good.

You kiss people when you have cold sores and don’t tell them? That is really messed up. Herpes is for life bro!

So if you dress like a woman like in that 70's show MASH you can’t be drafted? Looks like we are going backwards in time.

Is its safe to say the Mazda 3 speed is done?


What not the good old standard? A protein bar and a piece of fruit?

That isn’t fair. My penis is very empathic.

I’m in the tech industry, and there is a huge bais against women. Some men straight up refused a women IT tech. That fact that this article was written and circulated in google speak volumes about the sexism inside google.

I guess google has left that “do no evil” slogan behind.

They his friend is going became the next great business man and market the fuck out of new undetectable PED  

Well behind hiv of course.

No, they are just going to, and rightfully so, shame him for knowing his herpes status and not telling partners

Reports are saying it was a threesome and guy did a sexual act on him.