
You realize some of the biggest companies are US right?

I actually have gotten the confusing opposite answer before. Rebates don’t apply to cars on the lot, only special orders. I’m was like wtf? Didn’t buy car there.

Any money? It is better to spread it around. But do you, it’s your money.

That is a long rant just for a yes or no question.

I love rock auto, but I’ll gladly pay premium for a car part in a place that if it fails, might kill or cause harm.

man tries to grab Wonder Women by the pussy?

The world market seems to follow the US. Remember the recession?

You really hate America? I love America that is why I try to fight current hateful and bigot views. If I didn’t love America I wouldn’t give a fuck and let trump destroy it.

Yup, any foreigner that watches the news should see the mass amount of backlash trump and Co are getting.

So in you’re opinion, is your mothers or children life worth equal to a lab mouse or ant?

Humm... sounds like a sex ad.

IMO No it won’t because nintendo stop making them, and collectors will collect. Plus there are plenty of ways, legal and illegal, to play NES games. People are not buying them because it is the only way to play nes games.

IMO The appeal is online play.

I can’t do it, too tempting to look up the score.

As an American, I’m so fucking embarrassed.

True, i think some comics develop humor as a defense mechanism.


He is funny as hell though...

Taller doesn’t mean more access to food, stamina or resistance to diseases. You assuming a flat plain environment. Look at mountain people, were short and stocky with a bigger cavity , helped with warmth, amount of oxygen intake, and easy of movement. Or rainforest people, were they are all of short stature.

Not short here, but you sound like a woman that thinks only women can get objectified. Why is that? True men, on average, have had it way better then women. But that doesn’t remove the fact that some short male kids and teens watch Disney shows too and feel bad as well.