
I'm disappointed. You didn't even mention the first time Adora saw a horse.

Zero Dawn? Gonna probably play it after RDR2 is complete. :)

I watched this with my wife who was much more familiar with the old show than I was, and we’ve both enjoyed what we’ve watched thus far.  One thing that came across is that She-Ra’s crew does seem to pick up the other princesses pretty quickly.  “The Princess Alliance is a horrible idea!  Oh wait, you solved a problem

That opening though. I’m very comfortable with my sexuality but that made me squirm every time for some reason. I think the inner ‘I’m a Man, damn it!’ finally got the better of me, and I’ve enjoyed me a good misty-eye or two during Steven Universe.

But what does your comment have to do with whether a porn actress (and sex worker, which is an important qualifier in this scenario) should come to a college campus and discuss consent and the negative effects of believing porn sex is real sex?

I would argue that no parent should give any kind of encouragement for their children to pursue any specific career path. Their child should be allowed to choose for themselves when they are ready. Kids will naturally become interesting in certain career types and their parents should be supportive, even if the

“He is also booking a speaker from Fight the New Drug, a Salt Lake City-based nonprofit dedicated to ‘raising awareness (of porn’s) harmful effects using only science, facts and personal accounts.’”

I think you should learn how to trust others cautiously. Like, don’t trust them enough to let them hurt you. Trust them just enough that you can have healthy interactions with those that really are genuine and good people. I promise you, we do exist.

Generally any (good) reviewer will state whether you can or can’t do that since it’s a major deal.

Generally any (good) reviewer will state whether you can or can’t do that since it’s a major deal.

Totally fair, but it can still be bullshit, because unless you are that culture, being outraged on behalf of someone or someone’s entire culture is pretty much the stupidest thing ever (I’ll care for them even though they don’t give a shit)

Your statement was not an accurate representation of the behavior of people on this site who complain about cultural appropriation. They are not that reasonable. There is no amount of appreciation that will stop them from complaining about the wrong people wearing the wrong hairstyles.

I don’t know why you think your

It is a rebuttal to your statement that:

Again, what does that have to do with anything I said?

Or are you just saying “nuh uh” in the fanciest way you can think of?

The issue is specifically when it doesn’t appreciate the originators.

Claiming cultural appropriation in 2018 is no different than claiming it anytime. It’s bullshit. Unless it is done in a way that deliberately demeans, it’s perfectly normal to notice ways that people who are different from you do things and find appreciation for them and incorporate them into your own life. Every

Even though there’s no correlation to height and dong size?

I’m a 6' 4" gay man. I “dated” a guy briefly in college who was like 5' 1". His dick was bigger than mine.

Hmmm, I’m 12.5" taller than my s/o, we haven’t had this question come yet, haha.

Really? My girlfriend is 12 inches shorter than me. What are we missing out on? I’m curious, for science.

Not all tall dudes are … proportional