
First of all, there are people IN THIS THREAD suggesting that she’d be “as bad as Trump” in regards to the environment, Syria, etc. So, those people did/do exist (which I think you’re trying to deny “exited”?). Since I don’t live in a world of hypotheticals, I live in a world in which Trump is absolutely president and

Slightly off topic, but it’s one of my favorite fun facts that portmanteau is itself a portmanteau — from the French porter (to carry) and manteau (coat, or cloak). It makes me unreasonably happy.

Even easier: Require all adults who weigh more than 103 pounds (the cutoff for most blood banks) to donate blood every eight weeks. Unless there are valid medical reasons you can’t donate, off to the donation center with you!

It doesn’t have to be downhill though. Pregnant women are the only category of human beings who are required to give up body parts and functions for the life of another human being. We need to fight this by cheating. Introduce a bill requiring every legal adult in the US to have their bone marrow tested. If it matches

I disagree with the characterization of voter motivation but mainly in a semantic way. It is definitely a negative statement of self, and certainly not a desire for the president to represent the nation but either to impugn, deny or thwart the opposition party more than it is to advance a policy.

Now, this is

Yes. Democrats need to realize the voters they need aren’t the GOP, they’re the people who just stopped caring/didn’t vote. It’s not about the people who went “Obama -> Trump”, but “Obama -> Couch”. Or who voted for all other positions and left the presidency blank.

But that isn’t really what’s going on here. It is actually telling the story of white oppression of lots of groups, from the perspective of someone who has the history of being the oppressor, which is a legitimate perspective to bring into art. As someone else said “it’s a white man recreating the tools of his

white person creates art that draws attention to the plight of minority group at the hands of whites —> “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT”

To me, if the guy isn’t practicing what he’s preaching, he’s not really a good guy.

I would say that “not evil” is a low standard. New rule is we can only fuck openly feminist men. Not just pro-choice, politically progressive dudes, because we all learned about how misogynistic those douches can be last year during election season. We can withhold sex to all but the very best men, the ones who are

Also, like, if sex with your partner doesn’t involve any emotional labor, are you even really there with them? Are you thinking about them? Are you trying to do things that they enjoy? Are you remembering to avoid things that trigger them? Are they doing the same for you?

Emotional relationships involve emotional labor. Full stop. There’s nothing disgusting about it. It’s not bad as long as it’s willing and reciprocated. Parenting involves emotional labor, being a partner involves emotional labor, being a friend involves emotional labor. It’s okay! All good things are worth working

These comments are pissing me off. I get it, you hate rich people and it’s fun to parse their words even when they obviously mean well. But I don’t quite believe it’s about rich people as much as it is about rich women. Rich women are somehow worse than rich men.

Of course race factors into it. These people are mad because they’re being treated like Black people and they expect better because they’re white and this is a white man’s country.

You mistake understanding for excusing. I understand their choice all too well. They were fed a fantasy where being a mediocre white man meant having a middle-class life with minimal effort regardless of education because the all boys club was in effect. To them, those were the days when America was great. Now,

“It’s a meritocracy! It’s just that white men are better at everything except menial jobs! Why are you calling me racist and sexist? So mean.”

I’ll be honest – I simply grew tired of always being the lost cause. Not that my relatives are too pushy or aggressively religious, they’re mostly nice people whose “one day Jesus will save your life and then you’ll see” can get quite annoying. They find my lack of religious sentiment childish, and I’m almost 31, so

Be wary. Too many things are happening too smoothly to be the result of a purely insane individual. There is purpose and deft direction in some of these actions that belie the concept that they’re simply disorganized incompetents. And allowing fatigue to prevent you from using your voice to its maximum is one of the

I was all in, until I saw war crimes on the CarFax.