I was surprised by the suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, but not as surprised as Jeffrey Epstein was..
I was surprised by the suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, but not as surprised as Jeffrey Epstein was..
I have no idea what this means but it sounds bitchy and mean and Jia deserves it.
This is one of my biggest irrational fears. Whenever I’m in a hotel bathroom, I’m looking out for places where there could be cameras. I guess it’s not that irrational because it does happen, but seemingly not that frequently.
I mean, come on. The idea that Doug Jones would be trouncing Roy Moore if he was a “viable candidate” is laughable. Doug Jones is a dedicated public servant who served as a civil rights lawyer and who has an extremely impressive record. But you’re being willfully blind if you don’t acknowledge that a large portion of…
To be fair a lot of people in Alabama have been horrible for a long long time. This is the same place where little black girls were bombed in a church, and then they violently assaulted people for the crime of wanting to be educated in a white school. They fought for segregation, jim crow, they slaughtered anyone…
I used to think that religion was the root cause of misogyny. But when I realised that every single male dominated culture on the planet is rotten to the core with misogyny, whether it’s secular or sectarian, civil or military, public or private...
What the governor is really doing, though, is declaring a state of emergency over the presence of anti-fascists.
I think the response to having these actions outed is the difference. Most if not all the DNC has disavowed him and condemned his actions whereas the GOP elected him president. I doubt any politician can ever hope to actually know all their donors, especially at that level.
I’m not going to pretend. I’m going to flat-out say that it’s NOT.
I can suspend my disbelief pretty far. Alas, trying to imagine this fuckwitted shit nugget without his defining awfulness is a bridge too far for me. I tried, though; I really did. But the revulsion threatened to cringe me into a singularity.
200 million people have no self control in 2017, but were somehow better and more moral human beings in the 70's.
Cool, but you know you just used *your* personal experience to try and invalidate hers, right? Also, where I come from “notoriously hard to work with,” is just code for “a woman who doesn’t put up with bullshit.” I’m #teampolley on this one.
Holy shit I feel like I’m missing everything.
Have you seen the disgusting porno-posts in the greys? My conspiracy theory is that this is either a kinja worker or one of the AV Club people trying to justify a black-only policy.
Actually, she just misspelled “wight”.
Its like if Norman Rockwell was a hateful, less talented meth addict.
Ok, we can play the evolution card: Is it not possible, even probable that through sexual selection over millions of years that homonids got the breasts they have today because males found them attractive and would select that woman to be fertilized? Female breasts dont exactly mirror the other great apes. Its 100%…
Honestly... they really are just decoration. Yes they make milk, but their size doesn’t impact it all that much. Humans developed bigger boobs which kinda look like butts so that males would have a reason to mate facing their partner, thereby strengthening their bond and promoting long term mating/family-raising.
Don’t feel bad for the hive mind coming down you. You’re not wrong to answer the question. Big muscles on a guy are for strength AND they attract women biologically (looks like a provider / protector). Breasts on a woman serve the practical purpose of breast feeding but also attract men (looks like she will be a good…