Could have been another employee, a former employee, the janitorial staff, maintenance; could’ve been anyone, basically.
Could have been another employee, a former employee, the janitorial staff, maintenance; could’ve been anyone, basically.
I now just always assume I’m on camera, even in my hotel room.
Thanks for this. I’m stealing it (with credit to you, of course) and sending it to everyone I know. You’ve managed to so eloquently give form to my incoherent rage.
27%. See “crazification factor:”
Expect Schneiderman would almost immediately bring state charges against them if he did that.
They’ve never been vanquished in a lot of places on this planet, and they’re on the rise again in Europe.
We’re still, clearly, dealing with slavery’s ramifications, in many ways. I happened to read The Fall of the House of Dixie on a friend’s recommendation. I don’t remember learning in school how much of an oligarchy the south was, run by a small number of WEALTHY slave owners, who also head significant sway over the…
There’s no way NOT to put your critical thinking skills on hold to continue believing in god and religious precepts well into your adult years, but as long as they leave me out of it, it affects me not. And I don’t know anyone who gets through life without religion, alcohol or other drugs. My crutch is perhaps more…
Would, but for the fact that there are other people there. Too much of a challenge for me, given that so few people have manners these days.
Papa, too; clearly.
So generalizing about libtards and California, and hating them as a group is bad, but generalizing about middle America, and hating them as a group is ok. Got it.
Someone else mentioned this on another thread, but look at the consequences. Weinstein has suffered loss of reputation, has been kicked out of the academy, has become a pariah. Consequences to Trump? He was elected to the purported highest office in the land. The Republicans address only the surface similarities…
Mononymous! I could say that word all day!
‘Cept that’s Chicago.
She should go for Larry Flynt’s 10 mil.
I wish I had your patience. I just no longer have the energy to keep trying in the face of the continued abject stupidity of his base.
Then your user name is, indeed, accurate. You deserve to pee only at home.
Audio of him saying he ran as a Trojan Horse to undo the Republican party from the inside, and that he, the DNC, Hillary and George Soros were all in on it.
Yikes. I’ve goosebumps everywhere!
I agree, but I have glimmers of hope since that South Carolina race was so so close, and 2 state house seats flipped in Oklahoma. State house, so not federal, but OKLAHOMA.