
This isn’t a British English vs American English thing or any kind of cultural gap. The poster is just being willfully obtuse. “Not impressed” being a sarcastic synonym for being annoyed by something is fully understood but the majority of Americans who aren’t virtue signaling language pedants, I swear.

GOD. It’s not just the horrendous, inexcusable actions: it’s when you realize they honestly did not put one more micron of thought into SEXUALLY ASSAULTING A STRANGER past “she asleep now! Grope!”

He’s famous for not giving actors any direction. I would argue that his best and most compelling female characters are created entirely by the actor and have nothing to do with his writing or direction. I remember from studying Annie Hall in film school that Allen based the character on Keaton’s own personality and

...with much older men who look like Allen, no less. His offerings should have to compete with science fiction because nothing but mind control explains that.

The Rose Mary Stretch! Man, she’d have made a terrific ping-pong player with that reach....

Well some men really suck.

Maybe this will make you feel a little better about douche dudes on planes (or at least make you chuckle): I used to travel a lot. I was so tired I was nodding in and out of sleep on a flight home and the douche next to me would not stop talking to me. He was smarmy and awful. I kept trying to end the convo so I could

So I have an airplane groping story.

Wow. I haven’t had a drink in almost 3 years and I winced when I read this. so true.

Thank you. I should have just bought it.

I make grilled queso asadero or panelo tacos, all the time. Corn tortillas, grilled cheese, avocado, and thinly sliced radish and cabbage tossed with vinegar. Maybe some sort of hot chile sauce. Sublime, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert, midnight munchies... All the Cheese.

Uhhh ... thanks? *shudders*

All of that sounds amazing, Furry!


Omg. I’m gonna need recipe links for all of the above. The gyro, the smoked cucumber salad (!!), and the lemon yogurt sauce. Because holy hell, that sounds amazing.

Co-signed. It works if you work it, so work it, you’re worth it. Just for today, you never have to do Velveeta again...

I have a Cameron stovetop smoker that’s really convenient and easy to use. I love smoked tomatoes!

That is a great metaphor and one, unfortunately, I can identify with.


This would also be a good title for an Adam Sandler or Jimmy Fallon autobiography that explains his mediocre rise to success and wealth with no talent.