
Join me in our crawl to the grave!

Join me in our crawl to the grave!

Happy Birthday!!!

I’m a year and a half out of my last period, and yet -whiz bang!! Off to buy tampons. Cried a small river last night. I happens at both ends, Ladies:/

Omg, are you my bestie in Virginia?! I just found out she’s pregnant, and blesssss she cries constantly. I’m so excited for her, and have already started knitting all the things.

It’s my birthday! Just got back from Murder on the Orient Express, which was quite enjoyable, and waiting for husband to come home and serve my birthday cake!

I am getting the sinking feeling that I’m going to need to ask my roommate to move out and the whole idea is making me anxious. Her living here has become increasingly stressful for me and I shouldn’t feel this uncomfortable in a home I own.

That is truly a phenomenal, bad ass achievement and you should feel incredibly proud. Take time to be proud of yourself!

Congratulations! Yeah, it’s been a weird, tough week. I am currently blowing my diet with a plate of cream cheese brownies from a friend’s party in Baltimore because damn it, I’m an adult and once I eat them they will be gone.

Congrats! Any time of sobriety is impressive and must be celebrated, but 5 years? Yay, go you! From your comments here I gather you kind of got your life back, so congrats and here’s to another 50 years of sobriety!

Watch out! They love gnawing on electrical wiring.

My SNS is brought to me by the squirrel that’s camped out in my basement

Yes. *lol* All of the above? Or, let’s see, how about “Intersectionality in Cold War Sexual Experimentation”?.....

This has been today’s history lesson! If you want even more anal-gerbil scandal from the 80s, look up newscaster Jerry Penacoli. Yes, this will also be on the quiz.

Oh man, back in high school (mid-80s) I think Truly Tasteless Jokes had an entire chapter of jokes on Richard Gere and/or rodents. It was *the* big joke thing for awhile!

I don’t agree with them being “unfounded rumors.” Richard Gere putting gerbils up his ass is an unfounded rumor.

This is one big mess and I hope this teaches this industry and all the others about the perils of turning a blind eye as well as not being inclusive.

This almost makes for a better story. Poor Portia’s geriatric hen!

Good point. It sucks to have to burn what could be a juicy plot line, but they’d have to recast just to do bare minimum groundwork.

Along with the line that will haunt my nightmares ... “ unzipped his leather pants”.