
They are morally superior to you. You got an overbred breed because you thought they were cool?


Isn’t it the best?? As I grow older (and of late broker), I have to fend off hoarding urges. Like: maybe these tangled cable cords I had completely forgotten about over a decade ago really will come in handy, some day.

My plan was to go in, get fresh vegetables and cream cheese and milk and penne and make a nice hearty pasta dish tonight.

I bought way too much stuff today. I had a plan when I went into Trader Joe’s, I swear I did, but then... pasta. And goat cheese. And hummus. And cookies. I just... don’t know what happened. I sort of blacked out. Then I went to a local t-shirt shop here and bought a Cleveland Browns shirt because the one I

I bought a bunch of Google Play gift cards to in order the buy card packs from Hearthstone. I feel both happy and regretful at the same time.

The IT Crowd, if you’re good with British humor.

It is 108 degrees, here, and smoke is everywhere. No air-conditioning and no fans. I just wilted, yesterday, and was frustrated with myself. So, today, has been better in terms of preparing for potential (future) evacuation. We are in no imminent danger but (as mentioned in a previous thread); I am woefully unprepared

Who here has a rescue cat or dog?

“Sugary Rum Chili Anal Blast” is the name of my new RHCP tribute band.

our dog is an excellent movie critic and just may be possessed by the spirit of Roger Ebert.

WORTH IT! Been there, done that, would do it again.

Yep! Pence knows how this game is played. He’s hitting all the right notes. It’s not even rocket science to hit most of those notes— Trump could’ve gotten major points for skipping the branding & just talking to / comforting survivors, I mean he wouldn’t even have to help clear debris.

*raises 4th Dark & Stormy of the day to Muck*

I still enjoy the show enough to keep watching, but I will go through several episodes at a time where I am just fucking furious at all the characters. I absolutely loathe the southern doctor they brought on, who they then had to turn into a love interest. And it weirds me out how they can’t keep the British

That lip gloss looks awesome, but I really hope the “bangs being half your hair” thing isn’t coming back. Goddamn, was that a bitch to grow out in elementary school.

I’m still not done hating him thanks to his character from “Julie and Julia”. To be fair that movie almost ruined Amy Adams for me too, their characters were the worst. That part where they get into the tamest argument ever and he leaves for two days? Ridiculous. I’ll never understand why a movie starring Meryl

chokes on ma’s sunday evening dinner?

apparently underwear is not a thing in the “chella” universe.