
That’s the look you make when you try to make sense of this tweet.

Nintendo wasn’t founded. It was created by God, personally.

Nah he got it right

This gif doesn’t even make sense.

That was the best part of the Batman series, as you dwindled the numbers the leftovers would get freaked the fuck out. And being they were criminals/crazy and locked in the same room as you that would halfway explain them not going “fuck this shit” and leaving.

Absolutely. The immersion of a good open world, that wonderful sense of another time and place, is one of the great joys I get from games, and LA Noire aced that aspect of it. The music was a huge part of that.

In the book, someone tells Bran that the Children of the Forest have known about Cold Hands for a long time- I believe it was one of the Children. They live for hundreds and hundreds of years, and Benjen has been missing for something like 2 years in the books by that point. That’s not a “long time” to one of the

Jon is 15 years old in the first book, and the Wall isn’t that far away from Winterfell; Ned and Benjen have obviously spoken in person in that time.

I meant Benjen.

This eclipse reminds me of The Strain trilogy I read several years ago, by Guillermo del Toro and another author (back before it was a tv show. Now I’m also worried about a vampire apocalypse.

I feel like what’s really hurting the left wing nowadays is the entire notion of “we need to hear both sides” being the default “oh, that means that person is level-headed and fair” indicator., and the evil has co=opted it and used it for their own nefarious agenda.

Is this even a worthwhile fight? Like who the fuck cares about what the clown in the circus is doing when the lion is loose?

Well, in ancient Rome, they DID find murals/doodles of dongs. Granted, the murals served a purpose in brothels and temples dedicated to fertility, but guys still doodled dongs on walls because they could.

And nobody wants to talk about the ACTUAL heritage: that of poor white farmers and farmers’ sons dragooned into fighting an unwinnable and unconscionable war for the tiny group of superrich that wanted to preserve their oh-so-precious way of life involving crushing everybody beneath them and would have had any one of

And when Donald runs in to the bathroom to hide he runs into:

This is a good reminder of (not so distant) history.

Joke is on you. Trump has his shit removed from his anus by Steve Bannon orally every morning.

except for the fact that we have always thought he was an awful idiotic douchecanoe, and we kept trying to tell the rest of the country how awful he was, but they only knew him from his gold-plated penis-lengtheners, and they wouldn’t listen :/

If Pizza Rat were to sneak in and pee on him in his bed, well, that might enjoy.

That was weaksauce trolling. Ned Flanders snack trolling.