
I’m guessing you’re a man?

Multi-thousand dollar wedding dresses... Something something institution of marriage...

Customers in San Antonio were so panicked that police told station WOIA that dispatchers had received 911 calls about the closure.

How expensive can some of these dresses be? If you’re out a few hundred bucks and some time, that sucks but it’s not a disaster. The groom fucking the maid of honor... now THAT would be a disaster.

What sort of voters were they

That is terrifying. I’m so glad you and your pup got out of there (relatively) safely. 

Holy shit that’s dark!

A small petty part of me thinks they like to rub it in, but that’s my childhood speaking. Maybe they genuinely cannot process that a huge segment of the teen population struggles with suicidal ideation and/or depression during puberty and just blithely write-up whatever they want because their wildly self-absorbed.

Lucky you! Ethiopian food is the best. - Want. Right. Now. - I keep berbere in the house - it’s good on everything. Makes a delicious compound butter too.

LOL. I did not think that paragraph was gong to end with salamanders.

My favorite will always be gomen, the collard greens kind of stuff. Holy smokes that’s good. Also, I super love the honey wine my local shop makes in-house. So much wiiiiiiiine.

My glob, Furlock. Where have you been this week? Most of the posts have been about Teen Week, purportedly to help the teens that come here (?) to feel better about life or some shit. I don’t know. It’s just been really friggin peppy and incredibly provoking for those of us who had shit childhoods. I’m waiting for the

If aliens did come to our planet, which life form do you think they’d want to befriend? Primates are iffy. Aspen stands are cool (Earth’s biggest living thing). Elephants, certainly.

Same here with Teen Week. It’s great that some people can read their journals from high school and laugh and make fun of themselves, but when I think of my clinically depressed self at 15 and the things I was writing about, I want to cry for my teenage self and don’t find any humor in it at all.

I have an insane ex-boyfriend. He had a terrible temper and was emotionally abusive. Took a swing at me once, and another time barricaded me in his apartment when he was pissed about some perceived slight, asking me “what are you going to do now, scream?” Which I did, in hopes the neighbors would hear. I thought

I had an ex who would get into my house while I wasn’t home so that when I did get home, there he’d be just sitting on my couch waiting for me. Not to harm me, just wanted to talk. Still creepy, though.

Whatever you do don’t get someone’s name tattooed on you, if there was one thing the guy who did mine made clear is that you’ll always regret it. I only have a few on me they’re mostly just your standard military flair, the only particularly unique is that i’ve got a copy of my dog tag on my left bicep.

I was a mouthy feminist in a sea of Mormon redneck. Popularity was not an option:

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