
No problem. I understand your point of view even if I don’t agree with it. If you have time, look at the statistics, you may change your mind. (No pressure.)


Yeah, so apparently, the sarcasm (i.e. “apparently...”) went right over your head.

I think what makes it worse is that most of these people consider themselves alpha Christians. Like, these are the first people to tell you you’re going to hell.

It’s called being pro-life, apparently...

I would rather die virgin.

duct tape helps

Rant away, seriously. I don’t understand why they were disgusted? But good on you for helping out.

Truth. Coachella is my walking nightmare.

I think I understand Choachella more than Burning Man.

“I never walked into the women’s center! Here’s why nobody needs it!”. 

Also, Europe and Australia. Only US, Canada and Mexico got the purple buttons.

Three thoughts, which are all able to co-exist quite nicely in my head:

It’s a canned hunt, though. Ol’ Bill’s getting up there, can’t be choking women to death at his age!

“Well it’s definitely either a cock or a Pepsi. I just can’t decide!”

Long walk.
Short pier.
Shark-infested waters.

Hey, honey! Could you look up a word for me? V-A-C-A-T-

Right? Every one of his viewers is like “What is this ‘vacation’ of which you speak?” lol

Maybe I’m not as good of an advertiser as I thought. 😕

I wasn’t aware only good people were entitled to a competent defense. The Constitution is soooo overrated.