
I always laugh whenever someone brings up boycotting something. A vocal minority at that makes it even funnier. Also, how can you boycott something you already paid money for? I’m more than certain these same people paid 60 dollars full price at launch and more than likely have spent even more on micro

My personal Jesus:

Democrats need to propose a bill to force the Arkansas Department of Fish & Game to gather records related to every applicant’s “entire sporting history” before deciding whether it is appropriate to issue the applicant a hunting or fishing license.

Kentucky fans have been sending death threats to a referee after they lost to UNC.


And then just yesterday they are wanting to amend the bill because someone thought - after the fact, of course - that maybe “guns everywhere” without exceptions and exemptions is a bad thing.

Thank the Lord for this! Now, can someone in Arkansas finally introduce a law that forces doctors to investigate a man’s entire sexual history and determine his motives for wanting to maintain an erection for up to (but hopefully not longer than, eek!) four hours before he is permitted to get a Viagra prescription?

Well, Arkansas is also the state that just passed a bill allowing guns at big sporting events in stadiums. Take drunken angry sports fans. You know what we need to add to that? GUNS! Good plan, eh?

how would this even work? Have doctors in Arkansas been making notes in patient charts like “abortion requested because fetus was female”? Why would you even tell your doctor, if that was your reason for wanting an abortion? This is a very dumb law.

I’m so tired of this stuff, guys.

Vent away! And what the FUCK. I’m sure your wife feels violated and creeped out. And yeah stealing glasses is super weird but some people steal just to steal. What a weirdo.

Maybe they were trying to just steal the panties and in the process somehow snagged the glasses as well???

That’s so awful.

The story that I read is that this is happening in the US and it’s a big problem in LA. They’re Spanish speaking with I think makes their “clients” trust them more and also preying on the fact that a lot of Spanish speakers assume it’s the Mexican version.

It is indeed.

Gotcha. That’s what I assumed, but just wanted to check.

They’re in the US, and exploit the fact that notaries in other countries have substantially more clout than they do here in the US. The notatario fraud situation often involves people filling out green card applications for people who don’t qualify for a green card, or taking thousands of dollars to submit an asylum

Are these so-called notaries (the fraudulent ones you mention) operating in the US or in, say, Mexico? Because notaries in Mexico, at least, have very different qualifications and powers/duties than what we know as notaries in the US. I can see how this discrepancy could be easily exploited in the context of

Omg the article I read mentioned the notarios, and I took note of it since I’ve never heard that term.

This is definitely true. But there’s always been a glut of shitty private attorneys who prey on vulnerable immigrant populations. The worst part is that they’re often members of the community themselves, which get them involved. When I was still doing direct representation, I would sometimes talk to clients who had