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    Didnt realize the stealth suit was crotchless, even better now!!!

    Hemorrhoids, copious amounts of hemorrhoids.

    To make a Bob’s Burgers reference, as Linda says before her mom comes to stay. Nobody sheds like my family, were like a bunch of Chewbaccas. So were all over it, my wife has this fine silken blonde hair but my daughter and I are werewolf people.

    I feel that he probably smells like a leather Lazy Boy that an elderly recluse gentleman died in and wasnt found for a couple weeks until the neighbors noticed the smell.

    Genocide, sex slavery, and wearing white after Labor Day.

    I have a real problem when I play open world games, I tend to obsessively hunt everything down and do all the side quests then by the time I’m done with that I’m just bored with it. I played constantly for the first couple weeks, doing the cauldrons, climbing the tall necks, and knocking out hunting challenges\side

    Excuse me sir I see you’ve fertilized roughly 3'000'000 million carp eggs this season, we’re unable to move forward with this license until we get the alimony sorted out. We also strongly recommend you stop your relations with the aforesaid fish as many of the illegitimate mermaids you’ve sired are filing for damages.

    To all Persona Fans: do you’re damndest to find and watch Persona Trinity Soul. It’s amazing, one of the best animes you’ll ever watch!!!

    You seem to be a big persona fan. You need to do you’re bestest to find and watch Persona Trinity Soul. It’s amazing and will assuage you until Tuesday.

    ‘How could it go wrong?’, ‘Oh, wait....’.

    That’s ridiculous, we need like some kind of sanity mirror nowadays. Look what you’ve been saying\doing from the perspective of somebody who isn’t nuttier than squirrel shit. Fuck people are just awful

    I want in, it’ll be the best episode of Shark Tank ever!

    People get so fucking worked up over sports, just asking for a shootout. It’s a game people, life will go on (barring a bunch of twats packing guns).

    Unwashed dicks with leaking herpetic lesions that shoot boric acid.

    It’s pretty exhausting, you are not alone in your weariness!

    I desperately want a shirt that says ‘Jesus take the wheel and the lube’...

    Fuck them with a hot awl and three pounds of oleomargarine, maybe scorpions too for good measure.

    ‘Notario’ just sounds fucking sketchy. Like I’d expect to meet a guy with a scorpion tattooed on his forehead wearing a leather suit and a pet Tamarin monkey smoking a cigar behind him.

    So I’m going to vent this at you because of your username. My wife, until today cause her new pair got finished, had to get some drugstore glasses (has contacts but they start to burn after too long). She put in contacts to hit the gym after work, left her glasses in their case on the bench near her locker in the

    Just wear a costume and go full vigilante. The world needs a new hero!