
Nooo, no no no, that's stupid. PB isn't possessed by anything.

You… actually make a really good argument. Refreshing to see someone who isn't in love with FP.

I don't know…. FP always came off as naive and very much ruled by her emotions. Plus, she is a brand new monarch and very inexperienced. It makes sense for her to pardon PB. Its all in-character for her.

PB created a working time machine and grenades with rain clouds inside them… I think Batman and Iron Man are a little out of their depths. ^_^

Eh, but its not like she only ever went out of her way for her own kingdom and people. She helps out Finn, Jake, Marceline and others constantly and takes no personal gain for it (Sky Witch, The Tower, etc.).

Well she is definitely dangerous when it comes to protecting her kingdom. To her its all or nothing and nothing is taboo. If she suspects you'll be a threat she'll deal with you one way or the other. Who knows, maybe that's the way you need to be when you are a monarch. Its what I love about PB anyway.

Well, we can agree that she tows the line between right and wrong constantly, and in this episode she was definitely more in the latter.

No we can't agree on her being an asshole.

Princess Bubblegum is IMO the best character in AT by a very wide margin.

I think you commenters are crazy, this was easily one of the best episodes this season.