throw a smoke, rev my chainsaw, go into the fog is a bar
throw a smoke, rev my chainsaw, go into the fog is a bar
The West’s complete ignorance of the sub-car motorized transit market aggravates me to no end, especially since it would be the perfect urban arena to develop in most US cities (were there the political will to prioritize them over cars in city centers). Gogoro’s efforts in Taiwan put me on to the idea: https://electre…
I really enjoyed the conceit of this. It was a little jarring how it kinda just drops you in with the boat, but once I got into the groove of it, I found the combat loops really enjoyable - and I mostly enjoy games like this for the narrative and aesthetics (the mythological integration blended better than I expected).…
My PS2 Slim’s power port is damaged, but you bring up a good point. Might be a cheaper and easier fix for those titles.
Hands down the most offensive part of the game and nearly broke all immersion going into the final act. So stupid.
I know it’s been said already but well done on this write-up. Balancing the technical details for both educating the uninitiated and thoroughly engaging the enthusiasts takes skill, and you did a great job of that. I’m not even the target audience and even I was considering exploring the catalog by the end.
If they did a PS1/2 clone, I just might give up on my dreams of fixing my fat 60 GB PS3. I mean, I’ll probably still do it for fun, eventually. But I won’t need to in order to enjoy the collection.
That is comically grim holy shit
I had that one! But then I went on to play a bunch of DS and 3DS games while never playing my copy of ALBW heh
Nailed it. Miyazaki understands that the enemy is harmful ideas and their tangible effects, not necessarily the people perpetuating them.
I think the bigger problem is they haven’t let him cook in the background like they did with Thanos. The fun in comics, and comic book storytelling, is you can have multiple protagonists and antagonists going in parallel, and Kang was the perfect character to sprinkle around across different properties interacting…
The same problem that Zombieverse had: knowing that no one truly thinks their life is at stake undermines the very premise of a “reality TV zombie apocalypse.”
Beautifully stated, wholeheartedly agree
I had been wanting to get into F1 but yeah, the show leaning into the reality TVish angle just didn’t work for me.
Agreed. Its biggest sin is leaving the viewer basically indifferent once it’s over.
Agreed. I think Ultron is a much more enjoyable rewatch than the original Avengers, even if there was less “Marvel bloat” in the original.
This reminds me of that episode “Jimmy” on Static Shock, the only child-appropriate and targeted episode on gun violence I can think of. And even that was a tough watch. Doing it in a live action comedy like this just seems completely untenable.
Loki still sees himself, first and foremost, as a god—a more benevolent one now, but still possessed of an inherent need for order or control.