If he’s got his v-card that also means only reproduction conducive sex acts! Going down is riding the devil’s elevator to hell, don’t ya know!?
If he’s got his v-card that also means only reproduction conducive sex acts! Going down is riding the devil’s elevator to hell, don’t ya know!?
Yeah, Wheaton is actually a good school. it’s actually a very respected college, even though the students were banned from dancing until about 10 years ago.
What he means is that he uses porn and jerks off. That’s what porn “addiction” is to this type — some powerful force he has to wrestle with, turning his life into a mega drama about good and evil, when, in fact, he’s just a jerkoff like all of us.
Read his blog and his deep thoughts about porn. The shame will find you.
I wish my webcam had been recording as I read this post. My reactions evolved from:
I think it might be the AbFab movie. A white Scottish woman is playing Huki Muki a Japanese fashion designer. I’m now sad I found out.
My ex uses that. He is also balding. Coincidence?!!?!!!?
Dammit Margaret Cho! Name the production!
re: sour cream “has no reason for being.”
It was a simple mistake.
Oh the comments on those various articles were delirious. I was shocked by some of them, sadly not shocked by others. There was a maddening number of them that started out “Well, I used to be pro-choice but...”
I’ve gone through almost two years of fertility treatment and am finally pregnant and it has made me even more pro-choice. Nobody should be forced or prevented from making the right medical decision for them.
Nope, it’s not cold or cruel, it’s the truth. The lawmakers are the cruel ones for creating the environment where these situations happen.
What? Who is this weirdo who spends so much time hanging out at garbage dumps that stumbling across baby bits is even on their radar of possible things to happen?
To be fair, fresh white babies have great adoption chances. Doesn't mean she should be forced to continue a pregnancy, especially if she's at the point of extreme self harm.
Sorry. nope. mentally speaking, some women just cant be pregnant. Pregnancy was honest to god the most horribly painful, mentally debilitating, horrible experience for me... and it was a planned pregnancy. It was everything I had to carry my daughter to term, and I will never ever ever ever be pregnant again.
Free IUDs for everyone would also help!
A better world through laziness. Now that’s activism I can get behind. Sorta.
I pretty much didn’t change my name after my marriage out of laziness, but I lied to my husband and said I Felt Strongly About The Patriarchy And My Name is My Name.
Also every moment I spend suffering, someone else is being happy. Sometimes in the next room.