Funyuns for breakfast

MFEJAL is very clearly and unambiguously asking why is it cool for servers to be treated with derision* and still receive good service. are you really that "host" who willfully misses the gist and snarks on sentence construction?

*kinda like you treat a lot of respondents here

If only he could have a GPS chip implanted in her! :-P

...and now don't those jersey buyers feel dumb...

I'll bet you don't see color, either.

"Why exactly is it "unfortunate?""

Yes, well, that's fine, but he's not just another player. He's different from other players, because he's attempting to become the first openly gay player in the league.

Probably unfortunate because people wanted him to play better, not that it was a bad decision by the Rams. Come on.

Probably unfortunate because people wanted him to play better, not that it was a bad decision by the Rams. Come on.

That contract takes all the open out of an open relationship.

Maybe not seersucker (hard to tell from the quality of the picture), but damn close.

That is a nice suit. It looks good with his body type and skin color.

My question is, who will be our first summertime seersucker President?

It's a summer suit! What don't people understand about that? He's not a goddamn funeral director.

Read the source article. The subject of the article states that he was never sexually abused. So there's one.

The extremely important distinction, which differentiates the subject of the article from most others like him, is the difference between *feeling* the sexual desires, which is how I would think pedophilia should be defined, and *acting* on the desires, which is child sexual abuse and condemnable. People do not choose

I'm sad for people who don't know who Erykah Badu is. Truly. She is a music icon. For those people who are actually seriously mad at her for this ... the reporter doesn't seem to mind in his tweets and thinks it's funny so perhaps adopt the sense of humor he clearly found. #LightenUpFolks

Erykah Badu is a music legend ya fool. She's not like some Kardashian or something.

As a person in fine mental health, I could concur, but what if some of those people fed negative feeds were in the midst of a low cycle of extreme depression, or had some other mental health issue? In a situation like that, FB could be responsible for a number of potentially terrible outcomes such as suicide, or an

Coming from someone who has major depressive disorder, "a few more negative words" is not insignificant. It is not outside the realm of possibility that such "tweaks" to mood could cause someone with, say, a tendency to self-injure actual physical harm.

Yes and no. I'm not directly paying their wage, I'm paying the restaurant. But under the current tipping system, I have to intentionally decide how much my server is going to be paid. That's not a burden I particularly want to bear :|

In my opinion it should be the responsibility of the employer to pay their employees properly, rather than waving a certain amount of their employee's wages to the customer. The customer shouldn't have any involvement with their wages other than buying something in the first place.