Funyuns for breakfast

I fully support your not wanting to pursue a relationship. Like you said, you're sorta OK with this. Although you *did* say only "sorta." :) What does "pursuing a relationship" really entail anyway - like, chasing someone down at the local meat market?

Message from someone on a dating site? I'd say just message back with a teensy white lie (I'd *actually* not respond at all since my need to feel nice to randoms online often backfires) about him looking too much like your little brother (or whatever) so you're not interested. A regular chatty message will just lead

So true. The ability to make yourself sound amazing and witty in a one-shot writing assignment is not terribly easy, and far from what makes a good mate.

Love the top one. It will be lots of fun a windy day, too.

The multitudes of generic profiles can get exhausting and make you cross-eyed after a while, but as others have said, sometimes really boring ones lead to great guys (though that leaves the problem of finding said guys, of course). Playing the numbers game helps when you get bored, just to make it fun.

I wholeheartedly concur, and thanks for sharing your story. I cannot even imagine. Too bad kinja has buried your comment, and authors who supposedly pick up on noteworthy posts don't exist.

Well said on your part, too, chestermoney55. I consider myself a strong feminist yet am often scared of speaking up in the Jez comments, lest I be verbally pummeled for one "wrong" phrase.

Repetitive stabbing, penetrating wounds... Interesting theory, I like it. :)

Some girls date shitty guys. And some guys date shitty girls. We all have our good moments and depressing ones. The key is to not lose your mind along the way. For some, easier said than done. Alls you need is one great girl who feels the same way about you as you about her. :) Good luck.

Yeah, it seems he gets super jealous of guy friends that can get girls. I just read the bit about him pushing people of the ledge at that party. F-d up. Clearly full of rage that no girlfriend or whatever could have prevented.

I know everyone's playing 'armchair psychologist' now, but I'm loathe to put him into any categories (though I do believe his manifesto is an honest snapshot into his psyche).

Yeah, that's what I figured. Kinda sad, but he was clearly mentally ill and left with his delusions of grandeur by himself way too long. Therapy or not, if someone doesn't want help, they can't be helped, short of incarceration.

Super telling and chilling the way he words these "encounters" with women. I wonder if he even had any male friends, or perhaps those were the roommates he stabbed (?). Seems like his top priority was obtaining his very own blond white girl.

It would be a silver lining were "they" able to pinpoint a specific point where intervention would have been helpful (aka prevent a bunch of murders). I do believe were I planning a murderous rampage, I could easily keep it from my therapist.

Aww shucks, thanks, you magnificent Ogre.

He was in therapy/treatment. I know men who were virgins older than this guy who are perfectly wonderful. If it wasn't this excuse, it'd be another.

We seem to have short memories about our short memories. My bet was through Memorial Day, but you're probably right.

I've been away from the news for a couple days, and this *news* is what I come back to (?)... Also, he says "magnificent" way too often.

I agree that sucks. Not that it helps, but nobody will care about him or any of this by next week (except those closely affected by his murderous rampage, of course), anyway.

I imagine hundreds of girls out there he had a real chance with before he ever opened his shitty mouth.