Funyuns for breakfast

If there's one thing terrorists have, it's moxie!

I totally got snucked into reading this thread.

Dude should've run onto the field when he had the chance. I think it'd really get the message out.

This does not change the fact that they're ignorant.

He's sad the game wasn't closer so he could gloat. Now it's just depressing.

Karma is not real.

Ah, I see. No doesn't matter, just pointing out smallmindedness is probably pervasive in many ways.

Coke being a global brand, or "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" ad? Not sure your question. Mostly my comment's a standalone inference.

Now playing

Right, not an American original nor "America the Beautiful," so I guess they'd say it's a moo point.

Pretty sure most of these twits don't know Coke's a global brand.

Is he single for sure? How mortified would you be if he says no (or he says yes but complications arise while dating - read:breakup) and you need to continue working together? No harm in asking for coffee, though. Good luck!

Yeah, rejection sucks (like, crawl under a rock sux) but getting up the nerve to asks boys out is a good thing. Oftentimes the best guys (especially as boyfriends) are the shyer not-as-aggressive ones. Next time you ask someone and he says yes, it will be soooo worth it! If the feeling is mutual, he'll chase you right

Crash was intensely boring, as well as pointless.

Sure, his behavior doesn't affect the quality of his films. Most people know this. But his negative personal attributes could affect your desire to send dollars his way. JCO tweet has a condescending tone, "but it isn't clear what this has to do with..." Actually, it is clear, she just wants to repeat it in a mocking

Burt/Rebecca, love your description better than the video itself.

Most sex positive people would agree with you. Call yourself whatever you want! Kiss and/or sex with whomever you want (with consent, obv)! :)

Seriously, what happened to all the love and acceptance preached around here? We define ourselves, not force labels on others (I thought that was the general consensus around here, with an exception to call out those who actively deny people's rights).

Eh, I'm ok with consenting adults doing whatever they want. Let's not go down the road of forcing people to label themselves. Don't we all want to be sex positive around here?

They seem adorably in shock, especially thinking they'd need to bust past security guards to meet him, and then poof(!) he's there.

I would like your son's autograph before he becomes too famous!! :)