
Nope, hadn't heard about that. I have, however, heard of a vaguely similar story in Germany (similar as in a "fabricated story of rape". Not similar because the "victim" in the case I'm citing has actually come out and explained the what and why, pretty fast as well. I don't feel like doing extensive reading on the

Yes, people who say stuff like:
"cry rape"
"who is to say it actually happened?"
"I'm sorry to hear that but" - after learning of someone's past trauma
"you are willing to just take her word for it?"
"Your backwards thinking that everyone is against the victim is not only dangerous but it's all lies."

edit: I see the point has already been made, kind of.

Anytime :)

I'm not trying to tell you, or anyone right now, that you're an ass. I'm simply stating that I believe

Aren't those two the same thing? (And does sarcasm work in writing?)

Admittedly, this was roughly 15 years ago and things might have changed, but one of the single most surprising things about my time spent in Alabama was the enthusiasm around Hitler among middle/upper-class white people.

Are you aware that modernism was the basis for pretty much every fascist movement of the 20th century? ONE TRUTH is more or less fascism summed up in two words and I would argue has at least as much to do with the current state of affairs as postmodern insecurity about the way things "are in essence".