Regardless of what happened afterwards, by displaying tongue technique like that Puig is unlikely to ever be stranded at third again.
I think you meant, “I’m leaving on a trip, but alpaca star for you.”
Triumph of the At-Will
At the insistence of his editor, the author ruefully removed the following sentence: “Glumly peering into their half-filled bowls of Lucky Charms, each morning, the downtrodden people of Dublin fill their thermoses full of whisky and stagger down to the pub, where they dance jigs and fight each other as the jukebox…
It was an exchange. Like how some people give other people bullets for their wallets, cars or other valuables.
And thankfully, he’s dead. (Please, he’s still dead, right?)
“Cockroach? Cockroach? COCKroach? Nice.” — Gronk
This article needs to be updated to include a “Would you have sex with real Mr. Darcy” poll.
This made me snort. The idea of “oh shit, I’m meeting the Obamas and I haven’t bought a gift. Better stop at the bodega on my way. hmmm...they would like Hot Takis, right? Everyone likes those. Ok, done.”
Like, do you think they realize the irony of lecturing America about respecting Vice Presidents at a musical about a VP MURDERING SOMEONE?
Well I’ll be damned, turns out the sun does rise in the...wait, where does the sun rise?
The only Ross that had more fun with wood was Bob.
I defend his choice to use Chapman yesterday, but yeah, putting Lester into a situation that Maddon himself specifically said he did not want to put Lester in, was bizarre given the lead.
So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:
I love that they chose the pic that makes Trump look like a Reichstag Liberace.