
Well, to be fair, it would be hard for Jon's other brother to run towards him on the battlefield.

I didn't dislike all of it, I thought it was serviceable. The actor impressed me, the performance was very theatrical and a nice contrast to his first scene where we probably got a better look at the "real" Euron. The Kingsmoot script was definitely not up to the quality of the amazing dialogue given to us in the

I don't understand why they didn't just merge that with her second "unburnt moment"… have her "summon" Drogon to burn down the temple and then have that speech after she emerges from the flames. That way they get their "cool" dragon moment AND spare us the suspension of disbelief required to believe a room full of

That was an abhorrent line of dialogue, it would have even been better for him to just say "Now…Where are my niece and nephew?" with malice in his voice. The "Let's go murder them" tacked on at the end was a clarifying appeal to a demographic that would have to be so tone-deaf to subtlety that I doubt they even exist.

I liked the meta/thematic callbacks with Arya and Crane (?)… It only dawned on me in that moment that since season one ended, Arya has been pretending to be someone else, making her a sort of an actress - with her trials as an aspiring Faceless Man sort of a "final act" in her arc so far of having to pretend she isn't

or Moon Boy for all I know.

If I remember correctly, he doesn't have it until he goes home and gets it back from Jody.

I agree completely. His reluctance to use it when the guy is beating him up is couched in so much history with who taught him how to do it and how that person used it against him in his adolescence. I'm hoping that the only concession they made with that backstory was apparently making Jesse's dad a preacher instead

I hope they do that element (Jesse's fighting prowess) justice, as its one of the stronger elements of the source material and absolutely vital to his characterization and relationships.

I thought Franco nailed the scene with Harry in the "real" present. That one got me, as did the final scene.

Regardless of how people felt about him, I'm a little confused as to why Jake never checked up on Bill after he did his reset and came back home… deleted scene on a future home video release, maybe?

Yeah when he was invoking Cornelia to come up stairs the line reading was so bad I was convinced that the actor was playing his character as a terrible actor and he was part of some scheme with Henry and they were luring her up there to be killed.

I mean the ending was mean-spirited as hell but that look on Andre's face as it cuts to credits sort of sums up the show's treatment of him in such a perfect and hilarious way.

"nope, the baby in my pussy."

Yeah after he teaches his valets how to catch the keys he "rocks out" with them.

Possibly the cringiest moment ever. NO ONE can make air guitar look cool, Nathan made it look downright horrifying.

Finally they gave us some happy tears.

Loved how the random placement of a bluray of Inception in Nathan's office had a quasi payoff this week.