
Honestly I thought I saw her step down off of a stool or something from behind that table, maybe I just saw what I wanted to though.

Someone finally expressed what that was accurately. Thank you.

I thought that was Leland's doppelganger saying that since he had the doppelganger white eyes going on.

I watched the first 9 episodes in one go last week and thought it was great, and certainly would have enjoyed this finale a lot more with all of that momentum. I think this will really benefit from people watching it all at once in the future.

I was totally expecting him to riff on the "you're making a mistake," line from S1.

I think the extras being bad and wooden is intentional direction to draw a contrast between their attempts to act grief striken to the brutally raw emotions of the mother; she and HDS are the focus of the scene with the other actors being essentially window dressing. I'm not sure its the best way to convey that idea

By virtue of the fact that the people closest to him don't seem to notice anything is amiss with his behavior, I don't think the real Dougie was capable of anything more nefarious or involved than being in debt over betting on sports. I buy it, unless Janey-E was also actually involved.

I believe so, I worried Hawk was going to get jabbed by one of Mike's used hypos when he got down to the floor.

Right, the planes and airports are there but there's no one to fly or run them. Not much of a modern civilization.

I tend to agree that it wasn't necessarily true, but the way she described it certainly didn't sound like civilization survived the transition. No airports is a pretty big deal, and obviously no internet since it took her so long to find everyone.

Although it would be pretty funny if she got it wrong and said Norway and the Doc said "Uhh, so?"

Did anyone else notice that the first scene between the Nun and "Sara" seemed to be a little different? Like they used a different take from The Book of Kevin version? I know the music was absent but I swear that the way the nun asks and the way Nora answers "no" to the question have totally different intonations.


One negative: I didn't like how Kevin's story at the end relates to the themes explored regarding John not accepting Evie's death. It really clashed with that element of the story in my opinion.

I'm sad but only because they spent so long apart after Kevin's realization at the end of 3x07. It was flawlessly written and performed and SO thematically satisfying.

I didn't find its usage ironic at all, just because the tone of the song is sort of upbeat and cheerful doesn't mean that the lyrics and themes weren't totally relevant to what was being shown; the "you" in the song being Nora in my estimation and not some joke regarding the fact that there are two Kevins onscreen. I

Wanted to add two things: one being that I loved Michael realizing what was really going on with Kevin's willingness to do it. I liked John's turn around as well but like Sr. said, John did get what he wanted out of the bargain.

He saw him on television on G'Day Melbourne.

Kevin nuking his fantasy land as symbolism for him leaving the part of himself that desires escape from his life is just too perfect and insane.

it's a great way to get people to stick around for the credits. At least it works for me. I think it was a great choice.