
There is nothing that feminism doesn't poison.

If Jezebel can forgive Trevor Noah for his sexist and racist tweets, they can forgive Evans and Renner for what they said

I am having a little trouble with this comparison. Mainly because abortion is a standard part of women’s healthcare and this is not apart of standard healthcare at all that I can see.

Looks like two men in drag

Hey Chris Rock...stop with the fucking racism mmmkay?

How will the white community ever be able to enjoy a ballgame now that they know the black community doesn’t want to come join them at the ballpark?

Honestly, now that America is so openly anti-white, I think most white people are like fuck it, we might as well talk about our prejudices too.

There’s some commentary of value in there...but identifying “black” as solely “African American” is...weird.

Yes, niggerish. Rap-tastic, thuggerific, whatever you want to call it. Maybe just ‘hood’. That’s what’s cool, right?

Majority of the people on here are so fucking backwards I take this as a compliment, so thank you!

Blacks are more racist than whites. If a sport doesn’t involve black players, they don’t watch or care. Is this news?

So, Chris Rock is a racist who only thinks that sports with majority black players is “cool”, despite American Football and Basketball requiring only a fraction of the talent and skill of Baseball? Dude needs to shut the fuck up. I would rather watch baseball any day of the fucking week than what a bunch of out of

“1 black guy... and 36 white guys!*”


Yea. No need to make baseball more niggerish. Baseball is doing just fine. Plenty of spanish and asian fans to take over the blacks.

so un-black equals uncool now?

“Baseball is so white, slow and un-hip”

Why does everything have to become more “black” in order to become better? I’ve seen the way Africa turned out. Perhaps we shouldn’t be so quick to hitch our wagon to their star.

This is such a load of shit I can't even comprehend it.

There are lots of black baseball players. They are just African Caribbean instead of African American.