
It would be the first time you would ever see Torb play competively on a major level.

Diablo 3 just came to Switch last year too. And, of course, Overwatch itself is coming to Switch soon.

Lost Vikings, Rock ‘n Roll Racing, the two DC games, etc.

Excuse me, Blackthorne and Starcraft 64 would like to have a word with you.

In the new system you know exactly what you’re paying for. There’s no random chance or "surprise" involved. This isn’t loot boxes no matter how you look at it.

Most of the time I’d agree with you,  but this has become one of my favorite games of all time and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my playthrough.

It helps to avoid copyright claims, especially if you image takes up a decent portion of the screen as compared to the content you are playing/commenting on.

There’s a two-fold popularity.

Who in the fuck is running things over there? Sounds like it’s monkeys and typewriters, except in this case the typewriters are solely ban buttons.

Also, OH MY GOD at that take at radical history.

That has not been my experience.

Becuase that's new new word morons have draped themselves in since gamer is being mocked as hard as it should be.

That’s not what happens. The sales are limited time, and you don’t exhaust all the people who might want to play the game at some point with one sale. It’s not like everyone in the world will hear about it and buy it, so you have no more potential customers. What does happen is that you get tons of sales, mostly from

Now, if Rockstar starts paying third party publishers/developers for exclusive rights to sell those games too, THEN you’ll probably see a hue and cry.

The exponentially higher sales numbers mean revenue is higher despite the deeply discounted price.  One of the developers in this story mentioned that their sales increased 1,000 times when they made the game 7 times cheaper.

Yeah, but most of those 9 cents are going to be ones that were never going to purchase the game anyway, and might get people talking about it.  

EA and Blizzard already do that, though - it’s really nothing new. Companies having their own launcher/store isn’t a big deal. Now, if Rockstar starts paying third party publishers/developers for exclusive rights to sell those games too, THEN you’ll probably see a hue and cry.

Thank God it still lets you buy on Steam, lest a barbarian horde of indignant “consumers” descend upon Rockstar to tell them that actually what they’re doing is actually monopolization and unfair, before starting a harassment campaign against their developers and PR spokespeople.

Yeah, lessons learned from mobile gaming were the first thing I thought of (and worried about) as well.

As a developer, everything about this worries me. It sounds eerily similar to mobile development’s race to the bottom and we all know how that ended: A glutted market full of often low-quality experiences churned out by imitator studios. I’m fine with offering low cost enjoyable gaming experiences, but I worry about