"While other moms were cooking dinner, you were cooking meth!" (Laugh track)
"While other moms were cooking dinner, you were cooking meth!" (Laugh track)
Can someone explain to me how things get taken out of context from a 24/7 feed? It's not like they made a compilation of her racist remarks with no info leading up to the comment. Why not just apologize for the racist remarks and end it at that?
Also, is this really a thing? It's it common for people to think "oh, it's about time I get my asshole bleached"? Why is this even a thing?!
Not everyone looks sober. :P I see a few eyes that look glazed over with the wonders of drunk.
Same here. I get the raccoon eyes and people stare. On rare occasions it has made my eye lids look like I have eye shadow, so it allows me to wear less makeup. But most of the time, it looks like hell.
This. I have eczema, and the amount of comments I get about my skin care is ridiculous. It seems so presumptuous and rude. My teenage years were utter hell until I learned to "cover-up".
But still less of a dick than Gandhi. Although the lady in the article seems close.
Was about to say just this. EXACTLY.
You keep on using the word "modesty" to support your opinion, but you really haven't shown what that really means. Most women I've seen breastfeeding were just doing what they do, not shoving their tits in my face (which you had said earlier these women are doing) or announcing "I'm breastfeeding without a cover!".
Wow! I didn't recognize Daisy at all!
Yeah, I loved Janeway so much so I looked up Mulgrew on Wikipedia and was totally crushed. Still love the character, but it made me a little sad.
I think people have started to equate her with the roles in tv/movies. They assume Jess Day = Zooey Deschanel. In her interviews, she seems genuine and smart (well, with the occasional twitter blunder).
I think it depends on what your family traditions are. I found it a bit uncommon in the US, but in most asian countries, it's the norm. It would be considered really weird to gift a gift and not cash.
Agreed. I feel like it's ok to ask for cash (esp. those who already have been living together), but the recent articles on people who whine about it not being enough or not covering costs and shit is BS. You should not expect to get a gift. If you get one, great! Bonus to your wedding! It should be about the who…
I think the lyrics can be considered a tiny bit creepy but the video adds another layer of creepy when you see Robin Thicke leering at the women in a really creepy predatory fashion.
That was my theory... well, not so much that fidelity doesn't matter, but that she's ok with his sexting internet philandering habits. The part where she "forgives him" during the press conference seemed more of a "I'm forgiving him for not being discreet enough or making me do this stupid speech about how I am…
Ok, now I have to watch this...
I think you can still be polite but firm about what you want from customer service. I think sometimes people think that being polite = accepting whatever happens and accepting whatever the customer service rep says, but that's not really true. You can still get what you want by laying out what is expected while…
At least for me, it's the tone in which people ask...
Yes, Korea is very xenophobic, but many countries are. Xenophobia is not unique to Korea. This isn't some kind of fake incident where Koreans all hate on westerners. In the past, there have been numerous incidents with many U.S. soldiers who had sexually assaulted and/raped women in Korea. They used to just whisk…