
yeah Siri ranks up there with mobileme

People still use facebook?

Swallow one of these and you will end up with a stiff neck!

pop goes the weasel..

Uranus is defective. It is cracked and has a hole in it.

Somehow, this just seems like it would be easier get busted for tax evasion... Cash doesn't leave a trail.

They better watch out for those Klingons Around Uranus.

I'm lost.

49 20 73 65 65 20 77 68 61 74 20 79 6f 75 20 64 69 64

Prior to the towers being knocked down, I recall so many folks commenting how ugly the were. Now they are iconic symbols and rightfully so, but to the folks that say that they should have been re-built, I disagree. There were so many lives taken there, I don't mind them putting something better looking in its place.

I wonder if the SFPD puts this much effort into finding missing children. Assholes.

At some point, the Department of Justice will get involved here. Apple is trying desperately, using the huge amount of cash in their coffers to create a 'legal' monopoly through our broken patent system. This type of behavior always has and always will backfire.

Sounds like a really cheap way to drum up buzz about an impending release. Maybe they didn't want to file a police report because it would have been filing a false police report. C'mon - you really think they accidentally lost the phone??

One word - Smithers!

You're holding it wrong just won't sound the same coming from Tim Cook.

Shallow bowls suck. Eventually, your hand gets in the water.

But how will they know its him? He doesn't have a license plate (sarcasm).

In the cover of darkness Ninja Jobs will sneak in and take care of this personally.