
If companies would implement Hydraulic Launch Assist in pickup trucks, they could cut down fuel usage dramatically.

I never found it that funny and could care less. Apple is a brand and Steve Jobs is part of that. From a marketing perspective, I can understand (not necessarily agree) why it was removed.

I love that show :)

"It already already has support from major handset makers, including HTC, Motorola and HTC."

Facebook is so 2010...

"Of course I'm not happy! Look at me, I'm a big fat slob. I've got bigger titties than you do. I've got more chins than a Chinese phonebook. I've not seen my willie in two years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead. " —Fat Bastard

Deleted comment. Comments take so long to load now - even using Seriously, Giz - you always throw a fit when Apple changes something and you don't like it. You start petitions etc. Why don't you listen to your loyal base and just abandon this horrible new layout..

Little did Mr. Pickles know that it was just Mr. Hankey going for a swim..

Sometimes doctors rush to conclusions, let their ego get in the way and the obvious answer is overlooked...

@pismosi: Have more drinks, that tends to help in other areas..


Actually, they were all looking because she had a iPhone with a telephoto lens shoehorned into her jeans.. Look at :12 and brighten it - that is a huge hole in her jeans..

Little did she know that someone stuck a "Kick Me" sign on her ass...

@gary_7vn: I thought you were talking about an apple product for a moment....

@ochee_: I can see that now as well. Thanks for the different perspective - I like the idea of a flask better anyway..