
I think I hear the whambulance coming. On the other hand, Assange deserves whatever he gets. They are both crybabies...

Looks fun. I would imagine you would have to register it - where would the numbers and registration go?

Employee morale, something Southwest definitely has, goes a long way. In my experience, their employees really go out of their way to make flying as pleasant as it can be.

I am waiting for someone to call it Obamanet. There, its done. Have fun with it.

@ElementalDragon: btw - the 4g (if you want to call it that) tethering option is free on T-Mobile & the G2 :) You are still subject to throttling after you exceed the 5GB/mo cap though.. It is nice.

@jturnbow: I want a 6 inch screen on a watch band so it will match my big ass Flavor Flav clock necklace.

@ElementalDragon: Did AT&T ever lift the sideloading apps restriction for Android?

@mrisco: I love my keyboard - maybe I am old school, but it is so useful when it swype gets annoying. I am one of those guys that has to have it. I understand your point though. I guess I just like options rather than form. The G2 is slim enough for me and it feels great in my hands.

@AnIndigoOrange: (that was the point) lol - guess I missed the sarcasm. "Carbon Dioxide Audio - it will suck the life out of you" #tagline

@Architectin: I was :) The folks that comment here could probably come up with some really funny things - why not make it a top 20?

@mruler360: The G2 is perfect IMHO. It fits in my G1 neoprene sleeve and the leather case for my old dash.

12. Park in as many handicap spaces as I can. What the hell - how can they ticket me without a license plate?

@esp13: Oh my. That's just lame - I am happy I didn't take the time to research it further..

Tell that to a hypochondriac who feels better because he wears one of these..

I have been waiting for someone to come out with something like this, but I would think they would show off some sort of UI.

The specs are cool and I am sure the size really helps, but if you have to make a 12 inch slate/tablet, I think there might be something wrong with your ui. I thought the point of these was to be a companion to a computer - something that you can get to quickly without having to go through a traditional OS.