
it emits a high pitch tone when I play a m4v files encoded with 6 channel dolby 5.1 - unfortunately all of my videos are recorded with handbrake this way. Anyone else have this issue?

@cjp: To each their own. I bought an iPod Touch 2 years ago to see if I liked the interface. Bottom line is that I bought a G1 because I didn't and I just bought a G2. Ultimately, I guess it depends on what you want to do with your phone.

Now playing

@Channan: what? Try writing that in English. Do you work for Poser Mobile? Wicka wicka wicka...

@ObiHaiv: lol - you have to love "The Google". That is an odd dream.

@ObiHaiv: I have no idea - I guess I never noticed that. Good call.

The other night I dreamt of knives, continental drift divide. Mountains sit in a line

I wonder what it will think when it runs across these excerpts.

That chart doesn't sound very positive.

Wow that must have been rough - I am happy that they have a solution for her.

Radar Now for android is the fastest Radar program - it is a clean ui and doesn't load crap you do not need. It is not a pretty, but I don't care about pretty when I am outside and need to see which way a storm is headed. It geolocates you and uses NOAA radar.

@cbarry1: I guess that is where you and I differ. I use Facebook to find people and email to contact them. I guess I am a more of a skeptic and like to have control over the methods I use to contact people. I never send people messages on facebook and anything I post is bland enough, so that if my employer looked

@Tetsuooooooo: I don't like the new version as much - it tries to do too much for you. I have home movies and it insists on trying to go out and grab info for them from imdb. Maybe I am doing something wrong? I just went back to v0.8.5 and order was restored in my world..

@Rob C: Right - but you have to stream movies to Apple TV - the Mac Mini only draws 13 watts idle and last I looked at my UPS, it drew around 40 watts when active. If you want to store your own content and have playback options with a built in remote, a refurbished Mac Mini is actually a really cost effective option

@starbuck13: I have a Mac Mini server as my htpc and it rocks. I use Plex and set up file sharing to stream to other macs and a Vista box running XBMC. I might buy the new Apple TV to see how it handles things, but Plex and XBMC work pretty well!

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Dude - you are calling me a troll? My comment was specifically targeted at you because you posted what appears to be a political rant that is completely off topic. Anyone who has an image like the one you posted waiting to call someone a troll ought to reconsider who the troll really is.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Good - I got your attention. Now that I have it, this is a tech blog, not a political blog. Take your rants to fox or somewhere where people actually care about your political views.