
@Billybird: I had this vision of a 500lb woman tipping a mobile home, but the blocks illustrate it much better! lol!

Darling, would you be a dear and get my pipe and my Leather-Lined Wooden Macbook Case? I am busy tying my ascot.

Karma's a bitch.

@funkychunky: Wow - I really didn't expect all of the hatred towards the Dead from this community. Their shows were incredible - especially Drums and Space.... Oh well — like I said earlier - I guess I am showing my age.

@runejensen: +1 - but it was the 70s man. Maybe I am just showing my age :(

Yeah - go see a real band, pussies. ;)

@PaddyDugan: You mean like when people riot and burn their whole community down? I guess LA will not have internet anymore..

@Ian Logsdon: I guess I didn't realize leaded gas still existed.. I would imagine some of the impoverished villages would burn anything to stay warm.

@Ian Logsdon: Wow - that is horrifying considering the size of the population. I can't get the image of stained rivers from blue jean factories out of my head for some reason. The really dangerous stuff can't be seen.

@Ian Logsdon: I imagine they can't. 1.3 billion is hard to police.. I think it would be cool to see those malls though..

Writing a bad review while staying in the hotel is as smart as belittling a server, telling them your food sucks, sending it back into the kitchen.

@Ian Logsdon: It may - I am surprised the Chinese have not stolen the idea - they steal every other idea without any regard for copyright laws.

@Ian Logsdon: You wouldn't think it would be that difficult. A few hinges, some plastic and a bluetooth keyboard. They made a pretty video and website..

@baconbot: Hey - its okay to play pocket pool as long as there aren't any away games.

am I the only one that chuckled at :58?

Don't look too closely, you might find some Klingons around Uranus.