
@frigg: Too bad your magical, wonderful, revolutionary, amazing, fantastic, awesome, bigger, better, incredible, extraordinary, phenomenal, terrific, gorgeous, simple iPhone is locked to the crappiest carrier in the nation :)

Will everyone quit complaining about this. If you don't like the rom on your phone, root it and put a custom rom on.

@Maximillian: Nope - you are right - it didn't translate. I probably should have been a little more direct, but I didn't want to appear as a troll by calling Steve Jobs a snake outright.

@Maximillian: The reference was more a about tying the serpent that tempted the woman to eat from the tree of knowledge to Steve Jobs...

Once you wake up from your iDream, maybe you will realize the world does not revolve around Apple.

That is awesome. Having worked in support, that guy really held it together. I don't think I could have done that without busting out laughing! You didn't even hear him mute his line... She was very nice.

Okay - everytime you see the word Apple in the comments, hold your tongue and say it as loud as you can.