
My ex had a song that I didn’t hate but didn’t like as an alarm. Hated it very shortly after. Follow that with her doing some awful things post break up. Now I want to punch Jason Mraz himself and anyone who plays his music

A lot of people have made some really amazing points in this comments section, including yourself, so I have little to add. But, at my local coffee shop you can get a small coffee for $1.25 and most of the gas stations are $0.99 for any size coffee.

You’re either a troll or know nothing about law. If someone dies during the commission of a crime, all parties involved with the crime can be charged with that death.

I enjoyed it as well. Not a great movie but shows promise for a franchise. Would’ve been better as a series probably. Too many unanswered questions. Will Smith playing the same superhero cop is old hat though.

Voice command doesn’t work. Just brings up my contact info.

I started to get into an argument with someone once because the wanted an Insight(2nd gen). I asked why not a Prius if they wanted to go the hybrid route. They argued it was more fuel efficient and better looking than the Prius. I started in on how they look almost exactly the same and they said no. At that point I

In some states, a man cannot be raped; only sexually assaulted. It was true for my state back in college. Dunno if the laws were ever changed.

I’ve always said anyone with tattoos from the neck up makes poor life decisions. I’ve found it to be 100% true

My last car was an auto and it saw some good times as well. Current is a manual. It sees fun times too

I don’t think that troll job compares to Gawker having Jesus Diaz employed for so long

That man is slimier than a newt. Lifelong Georgia native here. He disgusts me

That’s interesting. I much prefer column shift on trucks/SUVs/vans. It’s probably because that’s what I grew up with. But since damn near everything is computer controlled I don’t see why they can’t just have buttons. I know they’ve had issues with layouts of buttons for some vehicles buttery could just standardize it

I’m in the same boat. I think there are too many things that go into it for there to be a calculator. Your business probably has vastly different deductions than mine.

While I agree, we can’t take this one story and extrapolate it to cops as a whole. Cops shoot dogs all the time. It just doesn’t make the news. This case involved a level headed person who did the right thing and likely would do the same with a person.

My stepdad used to not let a NASCAR race weekend go by without making a Dick Trickle joke

I can tell you that when they put in new round abouts it’s incredibly frustrating and sometimes dangerous but once they’ve been in place for a bit it’s super helpful.

I can’t listen to the podcast for that exact reason.

I always assumed that’s why juggalos said “ninja”

For my fast burrito action I do willy’s Or barbaritos depending on whichever is closer. I did Chipotle the other day to change it up but was disappointed. I also did it with some guilt because I know some things about the company that I can’t share here.

Here’s another thing parents need to change with kids and dogs: stop teaching them to bark at dogs when they see them.