
Nah thats understandable. The HeMan version was incredible tho.

Gary Numan is not really a one hit wonder though.

'that Biz Markie song' is a goddamn classic you shut your mouth.

When Trump makes fun of someone: "What a total cretin, you don't deserve that."

Gentle Herpes, you're the worst regular commenter on this site. Every single article you post some inane snarky bullshit.

Lol did Damon Lindelof kick your dog or something? Why do you give so much of a shit about this?

Anyone else think that Varga isn't nearly as powerful as he lets on? He talks a big game, but all we've seen of his enterprise are his two loyal companions, and a few truckers.

For future reference, the answer to the question "Is it about money?" is always "Yes."

The idea that you'd bring Pin-Up tattoos to a child's birthday is really bizarre. Don't do that.

I'm all for frankness, but don't whinge on twitter about your coworker. ESPECIALLY don't @ them.

Why is she so publicly hostile to her coworkers? If I did that shit at my job I'd be given a serious talking to.

What I dont think they get is how bare the TV Club is now. A news site doesn't just axe half their articles because they dont get as much hits as the top 10%.

You know TV Club is going to shit when staffers publicly complain about other staffers articles.

I wish they did more to elaborate on the resurrection arc in terms of the whole season, but I felt for this specific episode, they really get to the heart of what he's feeling. Jon is asking himself "Why did I die, and how can I give my life from here meaning?" He doesn't want to be a leader, he doesn't want to be the

I just did. His criticisms are simply not true. Yes, it was predictable, but so was every battle in Game of Thrones.

Um… excuse me? A fucking B? Are you out of your goddamn mind? This was easily one of the top 10 episodes of Game of Thrones.

They do, in fact, film TV series episode by episode. Something about union rules.

I don't even play the game, but based on everything I've observed watching over the shoulders of other people at Local Game Stores, his criticism doesn't mean anything. There hasn't been any power creep.

I was about to say, Davos is shown in Bear Island in one scene.

The thing that bugged me was the show wouldn't stop patting itself on the back.