
@Deckard: Glad to be of service....

Music-centric? Bah. Trot out something useful incorporating that new[ish] touchscreen patent... like, say, a 24- or 27-inch pen-enabled touchscreen monitor so I can keep from getting assraped by Wacom for a Cintiq.

@Deckard: Here ya go. [please no image upload fail...]

@vsound: An epic prow, to say the least.

@RedBackFur: I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with those hands "at ready" in the image file, ready to shoop as needed. Lucky I was busy with 'real' work today, or we woulda been racing to be goatfirst.

What, no Richard Gere jokes? Wow.

@pkpkpls: Yes, there are websites for that. Some are even free.

So, ummmm, I wonder if any of the lab techs saw the obvious and took pictures of their junk?

Dev is giving Android the bird.

"60bn cubic metres of methane"? That's a big fart.

@Curves: Yes, thermocouple = hot hookup.

@Stevox: That would be cool... and hot... at the same time.

@chris.edgette: Thanks for the reality check. Perhaps these are engineering problems that can be mitigated...

This might be a dumb question (for me, it happens with disturbing regularity), but could you theoretically increase the efficiency of this material by spraying it on a mirror?

@Celtic1888: I will endeavor to use your phrase "the dog's danglies" in a conversation real soon now. Thank you.

@tw@t: It's been 'shopped. You can tell cuz the shadows are all wrong.

@JakeMG: Ω Man: As soon as I saw the photo, I just **KNEW** it was gonna be Frucci. Awesome.

Eeeek. Creee-e-ak. Splinter, crash.

Eeeek. Creee-e-ak. Splinter, crash.

@dicer999: There have been valid concerns in the past about how long Apple takes to respond to security breaches in part due to the potential for bad press, and we all know how much His Jobsness hates bad press. Plus, many Mac users have the (erroneous) impression that they are totally immune, so they (we) often